Sunday, November 2, 2008

Have you seen an angel lately?

Hebrews 13:2 " Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

Kim asked on her blog if babies could see angels. I think they can. Babies, because of the nature of their condition, have no fear, no prejudices, and have the innocence that produces faith. They haven't learned these things yet, so doubt is not part of their conscious thinking. In fact, I'm not sure they even have the ability to think. They just accept whatever comes their way, because they don't have much other choice. They can't make decisions. So I think God, in his wisdom, places a special protection around babies. Even if something bad should happen and they die, I think he takes them straight to heaven. Kim's blog got me thinking of my own experiences. I believe I have seen angels on about 5 different occasions, the most recent being 3 nights ago. How do I know for sure? Well, who can be absolutely certain, unless of course they introduce themselves as such and prove it somehow. I just believe they were. Why? Because they seemed to me to be out of character for the surroundings that I was very familiar with, they would look straight at me, give an approving sort of hand gesture and when I looked back to see where they had gone, they had disappeared never to be seen again, that's why. I just knew in my knower, that it was an angel. It left me with a sense of satisfaction as if God was saying " everything is OK, I see what you are doing and I approve of you." That was a comforting feeling. Not spooky or unusual in some way. That seems to me to be like in God's nature to leave someone feeling that kind of comfort from a mere sighting of what looked like just another human being. They look and I might add, feel just like we do. How do I know that? I had the opportunity to shake ones hand the other night. You see after thinking about Kim's blog post, I said to God; " I haven't seen an angel for a while Lord. I think it's time for another sighting." Guess what, that night I saw another angel. It took me totally by surprise. He looked like a derelict. I was doing the Royal York North route which is a very high class route. I don't think there is a house under $1,000,000 on the first part of the route and there are several that would exceed the $5,000,000 range. I've been doing this route quite often for the past 10 years and this guy was out of character to be seen on this route. I thought he was drunk at first, because he was being very loud and rather overly friendly with all the other passengers. It was a very busy day and I was a bit stressed out. I didn't feel like handling a drunk. My fear is I would get angry with him and do some damage if I lost my cool. I do not like doing that. Before leaving the station I said a little prayer; " Lord I don't feel like dealing with this guy, please give me the patience or get him off my bus". We left the station on time. About 5 minutes after departing, the guy comes up to me and asks; " are you going to Lakeshore?" I said; " No, that is in the other direction you need to get off this bus and get the one going the other way back to the station and take the 76 south." Another passenger hearing his question told him the same thing. As he stood beside me, he looked right into my eyes. I realized at this point he was not drunk. He didn't smell of alcohol, and believe me I know when somebody has been drinking, and his eyes were as clear as could be. No signs of inebriation of any kind. Before he exited at the stop he said to me; " who is your best friend?"
I hesitated for a moment, because I knew my answer, but I was conscious of the passengers on the bus. We don't usually express our faith at work unless specifically asked about it, which rarely happens. As public service we normally remain opinionless and neutral on these matters unless , as I said, if pressed I would not deny my faith. In this case, I needed to give my honest answer. I said;" JE". I no sooner got the first syllables out of my mouth, when he , at the exact precise moment said the same thing, just as if we had practised this in harmony for hours,
" J E S U S ! " I knew at that moment, this was no derelict. He smiled, stepped off the bus, turned and gave me that tell tale hand gesture, this time a thumbs up! In the past it was a salute. I knew, that I knew, that I knew this was no man, it was an angel sent by God to give me that comforting feeling and sense of approval. He disappeared, and I did not see him again. God had answered my prayer from earlier that morning. I had another encounter with an angel. The closest one I have ever had. So be alert. You may entertain an angel without knowing it. He may not look or act like you expected either. Be nice to what appear to be street people! There might just be an angel among them. I had the privilege of knowing.
Want to see an angel? Just ask God for the opportunity, watch, and believe. He may answer your prayer! Thank you Lord!


Patti said...

What an awesome story, Doug!!

Thanks for sharing it.

I have a couple of "I-think-they-were-angels" stories myself, although, as you say - who could prove it.

Don't need to. It was a moment for me. :)

Don G said...

I have'nt had an " Angel Experience "but, one of my prayers each morning is that I might receive help to live so that others might see Jesus in me. To "entertain a stranger" is surely to show the love of Jesus in every situation. That's a tough thing to do every minute of every day, but it's my goal. How often do I fail in the effort ? Maybe that's why I haven't seen an angel yet !!