Saturday, November 15, 2008

Here we go again!

I'm feeling that need for a fix again! I need another dose of Ariana. Hopefully, we can see her for a few minutes this Sunday. I also need some more favorite pictures. This is one of my favorites. Not because of me, cause I hate my picture, but because of the good memory of spending some quality time with my granddaughter. Next Sunday she gets dedicated and we will get together with the whole family. I'm so thankful her parents are bringing her up to know the Lord. That is a generational blessing that will be passed down to future generations. She has three grampas and three grandmas. Figure that one out!
We're having 20 baptisms at our church this Sunday. That will be exciting. Every week we have attended somebody new has given their life to the Lord. I loved what Pastor Alan said a few weeks ago. " It's not about the building and it's not about the programs, it's about helping each individual become mature in Christ." That is what church is supposed to do. Take new converts and disciple them to maturity so they in turn can effectively impact their world with the love of Jesus and produce more good fruit. That can only come from good teaching of the word of God. We need to be able to digest the "meat" of scripture rather than just be satisfied with "milk" like a baby does. About three weeks ago, about 800 people came forward in response to Pastor John's call to join him in his dream of reaching the City for Jesus. I believe it's going to happen. I'm looking forward to what God has in store for this City. Revival is on the horizon. But, it starts in us first. My life seems to be a series of new beginnings. I like change. It's refreshing and challenging. Isn't life grand? For me it's grandpa! lol

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