Friday, January 11, 2008

What to do??

Well...... It's Ruth's birthday on January 31, and she'll be turning the BIG 50. This is one of those milestone birthdays and we who know her, know she loves to party. It's especially big for her, because after three brain operations and one where she almost bled to death, according to her Doctors, she's not supposed to be here. She was also not supposed to have a smile and be paralyzed on one side. But we all see her big smile don't we! They were wrong and she has beaten the odds. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with her, was her dogged determination to never quit, plus her beautiful smile and she was kinda cute too! Problem is, she's always the one doing the planning. I'm not a party planner. I work out of town and have precious little time for planning parties. I like going to them, but not planning them. What do I do? Her birthday falls on a Thursday, which happens to be my off day, so that's not a problem, but she wants like 30 people or more to her party. Who's going to come on a Thursday night? We could have it the Sunday before, after church, but she says she likes house parties, cause not everybody she wants to come can afford to eat out. So how about the Friday before the big event? How do we fit 30 people in our Kitchen/living room to eat? What do I do? She also loves surprises, how can I make this a surprise? What would you do if you were me?
I need all the help I can get.
Any Suggestions?
Anybody want to come to a party?


Joe said...

I'm not a party planner either so I kept it simple for Linda's birthday celebration last week. But Ruth is having the big five-O and it should be special for a special lady. Perhaps it is time to open the church on days when there are no activities and allow celebrations to take place on the premises. Catered? And like Santa, make a list of people you want and check it twice.

Another time we booked a part of a restauraunt and invited friends for a meal and a time of fellowship. That can be a bit pricey, specially for thirty people.

Isn't like a man, trying to plan a party three weeks in advance of the event when they should have working at it for months already. Of course I too am a man and have been guilty of that as well.

Yet in all these things God extends grace to the humble... guess I am saying the first step is prayer.

Dougie G said...

Joe..... Are you saying three weeks is not much time? Yikes! I thought I had lots of time. I usually don't start Christmas shopping until the week before Christmas. I thought three weeks was tonnes of time.
I guess I need to start praying right away!
The invitations should go tonight. I bought them today.

Joe said...

dougie g said: "I usually don't start Christmas shopping until the week before Christmas."

Like I said... it's a guy thing. Women go out shopping and build relationships along the way. Men think they simply have to go out and club something once and it is over with.


Patti said...

Sound the alarm! Mass generalization alert! It's a rare day that I go out shopping, and I've been known to club a thing or two - I'm a task-oriented, do it, cross it off the list, and move on kinda gal.

Although shopping the week before Christmas is also not in my comfort zone.

Dougie if you have invitations and you're 3 weeks away, you're doing pretty good, in my humble opinion.


Bring in some pizza, set out some pillows to sit on when the chairs run out, and you're good to go!

Joe said...

gee Patti... I always thought of you as one of the guys ;)

As for Pizzas and Pillows... bohemian alert. Well, maybe not.

Dougie G said...

Patti and Joe......... I'm listening! Feeling a little better. I like your attitude Patti. I am going to relax a little bit. Oh Joe, don't worry, pizza is not weightwatcher friendly, so I will be leaning(no pun) towards lean meat balls, vegi's, orderves and low calorie cake and ice cream!
Sorry Patti, but running pastors don't have to worry about their waste line like some of us do! lol
I'm liking the house party idea. More relaxed and casual.