Friday, January 18, 2008


This has nothing to do with burning dinner. I, along with my dad, Lynn,Bruna and Lynn's friend from her old job, went to the Erskine Presbyterian 7Th Annual Burns Supper. This church is just around the corner from the King St. Baptist church our church would like to move into. In fact, we got to park in the parking lot! Cool. Ruth went to see Mama Mia with her girlfriend who treated her for her birthday. Rabbie Burns was a Scotsman( a colourful one) that lived back in the 1700's. He is remembered because of his poetry and song writing and his life is celebrated by good Scotsman everywhere by eating a good meal that included Steak Pie, Mashed Tatties, Peas, Neeps, Haggis, Cake, Tea, Coffee and Juice. The Haggis is piped in ceremonially by bag pipes. What is Haggis? It's a traditional Scottish dish made from sheep's offal, oatmeal, suet and seasonings, boiled in a bag made from the sheep's stomach. It tastes kind of like liverwurst. Not bad. The evening consisted of a tribute to the Immortal Memory of Rabbie Burns, a toast to the Lassies, a toast to the Laddies and the singing of Auld Lang Syne ( Remember New Years Eve?) which he apparently wrote. The entertainment for the evening was by a group called the Scottish Connection. They were excellent musicians. If you enjoy Gaelic music, which I do, you would love this group. My Scottish genes were a dancin'. Let me leave you with a song, that was sung by Deborah Szabo.


There is a star whose beaming ray
Is shed on every clime
It shines by night, it shines by day
And ne'er grows dim wi'time
It rose upon the banks o'Ayr
It shone on Doon's clear stream
A hundred years are gone and mair,
Yet brighter grows its beam

Let Kings and curtiers rise an' fa'
This world has many turns,
But brightly beams aboon them a'
The Star o' Rabbie Burns

Anybody want to go next year? I'll be there! Thanks Dad. Another good memory!


Patti said...

Wow, that sounds cool. Except the haggis. Eeuwww

I didn't know you were Scottish!

Dougie G said...

Last year I was Gregors best man at his wedding. Of course you knew he was Scottish. The kilts were a dead WE did some research, in fact his gift was a plaque that gave the history of everybodies name and apparently him and I are from the same clan... " The Macgregors" Isn't that hilarious! I now say my friend Gregor Macgregor is the chief of our clan. Actually, we usued to be royaly, but got ousted by the other clans into extinction. So they thought! ha ha. We're coming back to rule Scotland! and Ireland! It's our Island. hahahahahaha!
Our gaelic name is " MacGrioghair".
He got the hair part, I got the Griog! Now you know where my name came from.
I thinks me ate too much haggis last

Dougie G said...

Oh! I almost forgot the "Mac" part.
You'll see him at the door at church in his kilt. He's our royal body guard and look out. The Scottish secret service. But don't tell anybody, it's a secret!

Don G said...

Good report on the evening's agenda, dougie. I enjoyed the food,the music and the talent of the vocalists and the musicians-----but, boy, have I got a long way off that Scottish Brogue ! I didn't understand 90% of what was said ( or sung )
Patti , if you like liverwurst pate on a cracker, you'd love Haggis. We're going to have to introduce you to the finer things in life.

Patti said...

Thank you, no.

Liverwurst sounds gross to me too.

Chocolate covered cherries - now THOSE are some of the finer things in life!

You guys are hilarious. I had no idea we had such a clan in our midst.

Bob said...

So that's why Mac stands by the Welcome Centre facing us so often Sundays - he's doing his "royal bodyguard" thing. Watching Don & Doug protecting them from harm.

Dougie G said...

You,ve got it Bob, but Don't forget Gregor! he's our clan Chief, soon to be the next King of Scotland!
Mac is from another clan, The
" Macphersons", he is the first to pay homage to the new royalty, so we made him chief of the Secret Service Security Department.
So please! shhhhhhh!

Dougie G said...

In Gaelic That's " Macfurason" meaning " son of furry Mac".

Patti said...


Dougie G said...

You should see his father! Furry genes run in families you know. Especially tartan genes!