Sunday, January 27, 2008

Celebrating 50 Years of Life

My wife Ruth turns 50 on January 31st, 2008. We had a celebration on this past Friday Jan 25Th at Crossfire( Thanks Pastor Roy & Patti for letting us use the church) which consisted mostly of friends. There were over 40 people in attendance with several who wanted to be there but couldn't. We will have another celebration on on her birthday which will be more intimate and include mostly family members and a few friends. There is a little poem that says; " You count your age by friends not years, you count your life by smiles, not tears." By this measure, Ruth is a very rich lady indeed!
So, why all the hoop law for one person? There are some who would say; " who cares?" It's only another birthday. To those I would say, firstly, Jesus cares, allot, and secondly, by all the friends Ruth has, I would say there are many who care about her very much and many who's lives she has made a positive life changing effect.
You see, Ruth is a very special person. She has a gift that I do not possess. She has the ability to open up her heart and show love to people she hardly even knows. After 15 minutes with her, it is like they knew each other for 15 years. Open, honest, loving giving. She has that same child like trust that most children have. You know what I mean. Children can go up to anyone, without fear, with this child like innocence, without prejudice, and shower love and affection on a complete stranger. Ruth has not lost this child like innocence. Unfortunately, this also makes them vulnerable.
One of the things I admire mostly about Ruth and have since the very first day I met her, is despite her physical limitations, she loves life to the fullest, she loves people, and she never gives up trying and nothing seems to wipe that smile off her face! Her mobility, as she gets older, is making it harder and harder for her to get around and causes chronic pain in her left leg and hip. Years of epileptic seizures and the acquired brain injury from 3 brain operations has taken it's Toll ( no pun intended, that's her maiden name) on her body. Her neurologist just told her this past week, that she will not be able to work again. She said this has brought some closure to her struggle to find work and has lifted a burden she has had to have gainful employment. She really wants to work and contribute to society. That is her heart. But she can't. For periods of time she has tried working at Old peoples' homes, March of Dimes, Walmart, and the last job was Homewell Home care being a companion for an old couple. Even that got too hard for her eventually. I could see her frustration as she fought her physical limitations to try and do her work, but "it" seemed to win every time.

I was thinking at her party the other night, looking around at who was there and listening to the words of those that spoke kindly about Ruth and how she has made a difference in their life. You know what God showed me? All these years, not knowing it, Ruth has been doing God's work.
There were people at the party, that may not have been there, had Ruth not intervened just at the right time under the leadership and guidance if the Holy Spirit. You see, Ruth and Holy Spirit have a very special relationship. They talk to each other. He is as real to Ruth as I am. He is her friend and constant companion, her protector, provider and her leader. I know for a fact that there was one happy family in attendance, with two beautiful children, that would not be there had Ruth not obediently, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, taken this troubled, vulnerable young lady into our home and unknowingly counselled her back onto the right road and provided what she needed to get herself back on her feet again. Candy mentioned this in her words, and acknowledged her thankfulness to Ruth for this. There are many others that have been affected because of Ruth's special relationship with Holy Spirit.

And then there's me! There was a time in my life, I was NOT a nice person. My heart was so hard, I could make Al Capone look like a school boy. Then Jesus got a hold of me and gave me a second chance. Then, I believe Holy Spirit sent Ruth into my life to finish the job. I don't think anybody else could love me like she does and has. I have not deserved it and many times I have not returned it, but Ruth with that never give up attitude has stuck with me and now we are on a road together working as " The Team" under the direction of Holy Spirit.

Ruth, honey, you are working! You are doing God's work loving people and helping to change lives for the better. Keep up the good work!
I believe when you see him face to face, you are going to hear those sweet words from the master; " Well done, good and faithful servant."

I Love you and HAPPY FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY! Celebrating fifty years of fruitful life.

Numbers 6: 24-26
"The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

AND MANY MANY MORE..........................................................


Don G said...

dougie g --- that was a great tribute to a very special lady who deserves every word of it ! Ruth has a very great need to be needed and I have seen that frustration stick it's nose between the cracks of her bubbly personality and her inimitable smile.Let's hope that the doctor's decree and your revealing of her accomplishments will bring her some peace and allow her to carry on with what she has been doing, without having a feeling of futility caused by trying to contribute in a way that she is not physically capable of.
Ruth, if you read this ( and I'm sure you will )---just keep on keeping on ---you're doing great !

Ruthann said...

wow....What can I say but Thank You,It was a great night and I was truly blessed by my friends,my smile is Jesus thats easy,[for me]so Hon together as a team as we go fwd.with the Holy Sprit amd listing to him and keeping the humor, lets go hand in hand.

Pop...Thanks for your kind words but I would have to say before alot of healing I would agree with you on how I needed to be needed, but now I know that even with my struggles and [sigh], writing this blog is I know I am content by myself or with others I want to give back that is y I am going to give some of my time to Mac and Crossroads.I hope I make sense.