Friday, April 10, 2009

Talk 8 - The Manifesto Of The New Sexual Revolution -Principal 2- Love Your Neighbour

In Talk # 7 the discussion centered around a truth about ourselves and the dishonour done to one's own body when we sin sexually. This talk is centered around the wrong done to others.
In our culture we have tried to diminish the seriousness of sexual sin by calling it by other than what it really is. Instead of adultery, we say " affair", or instead of homosexual we say " alternate lifestyle" etc. God, on the other hand, takes this sin very seriously, as we can see in scripture.
Let's take a look at King David in 2 Samuel 11 and 12. From reading this scripture and others like it in the old testament we can conclude that when God is displeased, he always responds. His actions and the timing of his actions are determined by his own sovereign will. When King David sinned with Bathsheba, he knew he was doing wrong, but deceived himself into believing it wasn't as bad as it really was. When God sent Nathan the prophet to David who told him the story about the poor man and his sheep to show David his own sin, David was outraged by the story, not knowing that Nathan was talking about him. Here's a man that committed both Adultery and Murder, but still had a proper sense of justice. That teaches us that people can be deceived about their own sin and still maintain a sense of justice as it relates to others.( even church leaders).

So, what is the wrong in Adultery?

It is one of the most calloused sins you can commit to another man. It's like murder and steeling rolled into one. It can bring out a jealous rage that can lead to murder. You steel another man's spouse and it kills the relationship. Not only between the spouses, but other family members as well. Children, parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, you name them and they are affected by this sin. It's not just the two people involved in the sin. It's effects are devastating and permanent. Even though God is full of mercy and grace and can forgive this sin, there are still consequences that nobody can escape. In King Davids case he ended up losing his sons, who were heirs to his throne, to the sword.

What is the wrong in pre-marital Sex ?

1. Misleading occurs- people tell each other things they don't really mean just to get what they want.
2. Pressure to go against conscience- people have an inner sense that they are doing is wrong but feel the power of peer and social pressure and not wanting to look like a wimp if they say "no".
3. Beginning of a slippery slope- once you start and cross the line it is harder and harder to resist.
4. Rob yourself ( and other participant) of the most precious gift you can give your future spouse. Your virginity is the one gift that you should give your spouse that is not shared by anyone else. That's what makes the wedding night so special and unforgettable.
5. Destroys the foundation of future marriage stability- if you have had multiple sexual relationships prior to marriage, you bring a piece of each person into the marriage making it very difficult to give all of yourself to your spouse.

The good news is there is forgiveness for sexual sin and counselling available to help us cope with the consequences, however just like King David we cannot escape the consequences.

Wouldn't it be better to love our neighbour as ourselves? Love does no harm to a neighbour.

We are our brothers keeper!

There will be no Lesson this Sunday night due to the Easter holiday. The next lesson , Talk #9- The Manifest Of The New Sexual Revolution- Principal 3 - Walk In The Light( Honesty)- Principal 4 - Pursue Holiness will tale place on Sunday night, April 19th at 6:30pm. Join us at

This Sunday night join us for "The Sacrifice" musical and drama Easter special at 7:00pm. See for more details!

God bless you and have a great Easter!



Don G said...

I noticed you had no replies to the last post.I have no comments other than to again thank you for taking the time to sunnarize the talks. It's so easy to forget what was said and it's helpful to have a reference to go to when you need it. I suspect that there are those who read it and also hsve no comments: but, it is info that is good for them to have. Keep on keeping on. Bless you

Dougie G said...

Writing this out helps me to retain the information. It's a scary subject for most people, so the Jonah and Esther types wouldn't comment because of fear or complacency or they totally agree and have nothing else to add, or they just can't be bothered. That's ok. I'm going to cover all 10 talks anyway. I appreciate the comments I have received.