Friday, April 24, 2009

Talk 9- The Manifesto Of The new Sexual Revolution

Whether it be a church or a nation, there needs to be a firm foundation upon which to build. Jesus said in Luke 6:48, that a wise man builds his house on a firm foundation. Ideas and philosophies have consequences. For example, look at Marxism or Nazism. They both collapsed. Our current Post Modern Society is the consequence of Freudian Philosophy that goes back 150 years. Freud thought every Human behavior is an expression of their sexuality. Guess what is dominating our society today? Foundations are very important.

So how do we avoid the inevitable consequences in a society that is patterned after Freud's philosophy?

Let's take another look at King David in 2 Samuel. David offered an innocent man ( Uriah) on the alter of his own reputation. Why? To try and cover up his sin. That's what happens with sexual sin. It puts in motion a whole bunch of other sins to try and cover it up. Lies, deception, murder, jealousy to name a few. It creates subterfuge. To deceive through a strategy to conceal the truth. We are so sinful we need to know the potential depravity of our hearts. David was a believer when this took place. No Christian should ever say " I would never do that!". A very dangerous statement. We don't even know how evil our hearts can be. What we should be saying is " I need Gods grace so that won't happen to me. " There is a deeper repentance that needs to take place than for just for the sexual sin. We tend to compartmentalize our lives which diminishes the seriousness of sexual sin. We may say to ourselves, " I have a good prayer life and I read the bible every day, I have a good job and am honest with my customers, so If I messed up in this one area, I'm not that bad off compared to some others I know." In 1 John 1:5, it talks about light and dark. Light is that which reveals, dark is that which conceals. Light is God's nature. Truthfulness must be our approach to God. Honesty is required. What do you find when you lift up a slab of rock? A bunch of bugs and worms running around looking for a hole to crawl into. Why? They can't stand the light. They have been exposed. It's the same with our sin. It's honesty, not holiness that's the basic requirement in our relationship with God and with others!
Just so we don't forget, yes God hates sin, but he loves the sinner and because of that he is merciful and willing to forgive our sin and give us hope, thanks to the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.
In 2 Samuel 12:14, we can see that David was forgiven, restored and reconciled "but" there was still consequences to his sin that God did not take away. Why? Because if you look in Hebrews 12:4-12 God loved David enough to discipline him. God's hand was heavy on David. He reaped his sexual sin and murder through his children. This was God's loving discipline to remind David of his own sin, so that he could see the seriousness and harm it caused to others. He wanted to make David pure and Holy.

David finally did repent and got honest with God, himself and others. He accepted the consequences of his sin, he didn't try to excuse his actions, he accepted the responsibility. This is why God called him a man after his own heart.

That is the destiny of every believer. To be Holy, as he is Holy.

So, let's get honest with God, ourselves and others, so we can get on that road to Holiness!

Start building a firm foundation. On "The Rock". Jesus Christ!

Watch the final talk # 10. This coming Sunday at 6:30pm at

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