Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Talk 5- Lessons On Romance, Sex, And Coveneant Love From The Song Of Songs

The Song Of Songs reveals that it is OK to desire sexual love and passion and to express them within a covenant love relationship according to God's definition of a covenant love relationship. The churches attitude over the decades has not been a positive one in this area, leaning more towards avoiding the issue and hiding the truth. This has not only been unhelpful to those within the City of God, but has left it up to the secular world to offer instruction to our youth and married couples about sex and sexuality. If you want to know the truth, we are all sinners because we live in a fallen world. That's not something people these days want to hear, but true none the less. Because we are sinners, our fallen nature expresses itself through our sexuality resulting in each one of us being sexual perverts. The good news is, we don't have to remain in that state, once we know the truth about sexual expression of covenant love and begin to express it according to Gods will.
There are three principals for cultivating passion: a) Be attractive- people have a tendency to let themselves go after marriage, and not attempt to look their best for their mate like when they were dating. Maintaining this practice can help to maintain the passion in the relationship. b) Be available- If you take a look at 1 Corinthians 7, it explains how the husband and wife are one flesh and their bodies belong to each other. The only reason to withhold sex is on mutual agreement for prayer and fasting. Otherwise Satan may bring temptation into the relationship. c) Be anticipatory- Our brains have a tremendous effect on our sexuality. It is possible to think sensual and erotic thoughts within a marriage and keep them pure and holy.
Covenant love has three elements to it: 1) It places a seal on the relationship that goes beyond the sexual act to a commitment of the whole person. Is your husband or wife the most important thing in the whole world to you? 2) Strong as death- this love is as fierce and unyielding as the grave. It is jealous towards that one and only person. It is powerful and final. 3) Flame of the Lord- This love is fueled by divine power. God stirs up love in your heart for your spouse. We become stewards of the love we have covenanted to our spouse. If it dies, we are held responsible by God, because we have not been good stewards. Covenant love cannot be destroyed. Only good sex can happen in a covenant love relationship. It is not a right, but something to protect.
The world has made sex their icon.
We, in The City Of God, make long lasting covenant love relationships, such as those who are celebrating 40,50, 60+ years of marriage our icon.
We have to live and love just like Jesus Christ did.
If we are truly following him, It's not a burden, but a joy!

This is the last week on the Song of Songs. Next week will begin to look at the societal attitudes that have been formed over the decades. and how that effects us.
Tune in, 6:30pm Sunday evenings at http://www.livechurch.ca/

Special Note: There are those who have suffered sexual abuse and may find some of this information confusing or hurtful. Our hearts go out to these people and they may require special attention and counselling to help them through their understanding of this subject.

1 comment:

Don G said...

One should never ignore excellence and give credit where credit is due. Your synopsis was excellent. Thank you.