Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sex And The City Of God- Week 4

My wife said I should make my posts more personal and tell more and about myself. I think that will come later. Right now I feel compelled to report on these messages, because I think people, mostly Christians, the people of The City Of God need to hear this message. I see Pastor John like a modern day Moses trying to lead Gods people out of Egypt. Just like those people of old, I'm sensing a resistance to follow him. They didn't want to leave their slavery into the unknown land of promise God was offering. People! Pastors! Listen up! Jesus said: " MY sheep hear my voice and they follow me!" Let me repeat myself. There is no other message like this one being preached out there. When Pastor John consulted his good friend about preaching this message, the friend said " don't do it!". Pastor John said " I have to !" This is an original inspiration of the Holy Spirit. A relevant prophetic message to the church! HELLO!!! God is speaking. Are you listening? Pastors and churches should be letting their pride down and grabbing hold of this message for the sheep in their congregation. This is not a competition, it's a campaign against evil. Will you join with us? This assault of sexual propaganda is destroying marriages in our churches. The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. Let's use it to remove the evil from among our people. As Moses said to Pharaoh, " Let my people go!"

This week we looked at The Song Of Songs and learned what romance is really is all about. Essentially romance is about intercourse. Not sexual intercourse. Verbal intercourse. Any strangers can have sex. Speech and sex are closely related. This week the emphasis was on the man in the relationship . (next week will be on the women). The Song Of Songs is a poem. A lost art in today's society. A verbal exchange between two lovers, in the context of marriage. Words are powerful. They can give life or they can kill. This exchange of words in poetic form, between the man and the women, create an erotic atmosphere, which is perfectly OK in a marriage and even encouraged by God in order to experience that love and intimacy that a husband and wife are supposed to have. Marriages that are on the rocks, have lost this art of communication, lost the intimacy and are headed for divorce court. The man, after the marriage, has failed to romance his wife with his words. Bitterness and anger take hold, and unless they are taught how to communicate effectively, the prognosis for the marriage is not good. But I do believe that it is the man who is responsible for initiating romance and then the women will follow. Romance is meant to be a growing reality, not a diminishing memory. The key is carefully composed words. A mans excuse when he gets home for work for not talking to his wife is that he is tired. The truth is we are just being selfish and lazy. Before we touch our wife's body, we need to touch her heart and mind. How we speak to our wife makes all the difference in the world as to how she responds to us. The Songs Of Songs gives a good example of how to do this. It is verbal foreplay. A model that allows us to feel and articulate sexual passion which is perfectly OK in a marriage. It is good and esteems this kind of talk in marriage to encourage sexual passion. Women are wired through what they hear. Men are wired through what they see. God wants a Christian husband to communicate sincere, carefully composed words to his wife. These can be of a sexual nature, but honoring, wholesome and pure and encourage and initiate a natural response in her.
This lesson really hit me between the eyes.
I need to go back to the time I was romancing my wife with my poems during our courtship. The very thing that captured her heart.
I dropped the ball, but I'm going to pick it up again and get back in the game!
Thanks Pastor John. This lesson is just as good as marriage counselling!

P.S. Let me make this clear, that all of the aforementioned commentary, are my words and not Pastor John's. I am just summarizing in my own words my understanding of what was said. If you have any questions you can contact him through the churches website at www.westhighland.org, or email: sex and the city@westhighland.org. The first paragraph was totally me. He didn't say any of this. That is my picture of what is happening.

Watch live Sunday evening at 6:30pm, or download recordings at www.livechurch.ca

1 comment:

Don G said...

Again, I commend you for your ability to capsulate a message. I don't say that I envy you because envy is a sin: but, I do wish I could remember the essence of a message for more than two minutes after it's delivered. Thanks for posting where it is available for future reference