Friday, December 12, 2008

What In The World Is Going On?

That is the title of a book I just recently read written by Dr. David Jeremiah. He is a very knowledgeable bible teacher and scholar and has written many books and devotional guides. The book is based on the question many people are asking these days as they see all of the strange and seemingly unexplainable things going on in the world. The economic crisis around the globe, the quest for oil, the alignment of nations and political alliances taking place, etc. etc. I know I have asked that question and others like: " Why is the Christian Church on the decline in North America when it is growing like gangbusters in third world countries?" Dr. Jeremiah uses 10 biblical prophetic clues that we cannot afford to ignore to try to answer the question.
If I can come away from this book with one nugget of knowledge it would be this: Christians do not have to worry. We are not going to experience the worst of what is to come. We won't be here. Also the devil, who many Christians think works independently, is very much under God's control. He does not do anything that God does not allow or permit and always under restriction, and even in his rebellion fulfills Gods will and purpose in the world. God will use Satan to carry out his judgement , on individuals, groups and nations. So, no matter what side of God you are working on, whether rebellion or obedience you are, knowingly or unknowingly going to carry out Gods will. God's will, will be done, period, end of story. Amazing eh? So the next time you think you are under some kind of Satanic attack, instead of trying to rebuke it, I would suggest you stop and take a very good look within and ask yourself and God what the purpose of it is. You may be praying against God's will to steer you in another direction. It could turn out to be a blessing in disguise! God may be trying to tell you something or bring some discipline into your life to strengthen you or place you on a different course. Embrace it! But rest assured , as a believer in Christ, you are in Gods hands and no harm can come to you through Satan or anybody else, and even if it does it was ordained by God to fulfill his purpose and plan for your life. I mean the worst that can happen to us is we die and go to heaven! We can't lose can we? We know the end of the story, and God wins and so do we if we are in Christ.
I recommend you read the book. It will encourage you.

1 comment:

Don G said...

No comment- I read the book---IO agree with you.