Monday, December 15, 2008


I've had to make a few big ones lately. Knowing this, my wise father gave me a book to read written by Haddon W. Robinson called " Decision Making By The Book". Don't you love it when a bible scholar puts in print exactly what you have been thinking. Confirmation is a very comforting phenomenon. Here's his thoughts on "Avoiding Disagreement" amongst decision makers:
" One decision danger zone we sometimes fall into is surrounding ourselves with "yes men" and "yes women". In other words our decisions sometimes fail because when we are sure we are right, we refuse to listen to someone who thinks we are wrong.
Dissent keeps you from believing you are infallible. Pastors who feel comfortable with only church board members who admire them and are overly concerned with pleasing them may not be well served when it comes to decision making.
People who are free to disagree put alternatives before the group that minimise the risks inherent in every important decision. Dissenters help us see the unforeseen negative consequences that may be invisible to us because of our happy unanimity.
Loyalty to a group does not mean that we go along to get along. It means that we state our viewpoint openly and clearly. The responsibility falls on leaders to create the environment for this kind of freewheeling honesty. Disagreement forces us to check our facts and state the basis for our decision.
But then, when a decision is made, loyalty requires all members of the group to do everything possible to make the decision succeed.
Disagreement does not mean that God is not working. Unanimity is not unity. Dissent can stir the imagination and force us to consider uncertainties in the decision-making process."


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