Monday, August 25, 2008

Fall Is Coming

I can feel it in the air. I can always tell, about 2 to 3 weeks into August, something in the air changes and I can sense when September is just around the corner. Even if I didn't have a calender and I didn't know the date, I would be able to tell Fall is not too far away. I don't know why I know, I just do. It happens one day and I go, ahhh! There it is again, that sensation, whatever it is. I love fall. Warm days, cool nights, no bugs. It's the best time of year as far as I am concerned for holidays. That's when I take mine, usually over Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving, especially the dinner part. But, I think we need one good BBQ with the gang, before summer ends. One more week of kids being out of school. My summer bus driving holiday is almost over. I must say I don't miss picking up 80 kids at one stop around 3:20pm. It's been nice and quiet. That is all soon to end. All good things must come to an end. That's what they say anyway. Another summer come and almost gone. Hasn't been too hot either. Tolerable, I would say. I think we live in the best country in the world, with it's changing seasons. I like them all, for one reason or another, but Fall is still my favorite. Always something to look forward to. I like that!


Patti said...

Spike loves fall the best too. I like spring the best, but I must agree - I love having changing seasons. Can't imagine living somewhere where it was only hot or hotter, no changes. Yuck.

Joe said...

grumble grumble grumble I don't like the fall because it tells me winter is near, too cold... grumble grumble I don't like the spring because it tells me summer is near, too hot...

My, I feel more upbeat than usual ;)

Bob said...

Fall is my favourite season as well. It's a great time for a vacation - the weather is great & the rug rats are in school :)
As I get older though the thought of no winter does have a certain appeal.
Maybe global warming will allow us to keep spring, summer & fall and just kind of blur over winter:)

Patti said...

maybe global warming will shovel the driveway.

Don G said...

I'm with Bob. I like all the seasons except winter---or----should I say snow. I don't like the cold as well as hot but, I can stand it if it doesn't come with that white fluffy stuff that turns dirty, gray and sloppy slush. How'd I get so negative ? Must be old age !

Dougie G said...

It's not just a shortage of rug rats, it's a shortage of everybody. A town like Whiarton role up the sidewalks after Thanksgiving. There's nobody there except the local yolkals. Nice and quiet! Hey Joe! just think, we can shovel snow together and fellowship with a hot beverage after, just like last year! Doesn't that sound inviting?

Where do you think they got the idea for the movie " Grumpy Old Men"? lol

TLC said...

So, what time's the BBQ?? Oh, and what day?? I can bring pie!

Joe said...

"Grumpy old men"? Me?

As they in the army commercials... "Aim High."