Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby Shower

Why do they call them showers? There was no water involved other than what was put into the coffee and tea. Maybe because it was raining presents?
We went to Kingsville for Kim's first baby shower this past weekend. Her mother-in-law hosted the event at her restaurant. There was about 30 in attendance including three guys of which I was one, stuck off in a corner where we wouldn't be noticed. But hey, they fed us so I wasn't complaining! Good food too. Done in courses as is Italian tradition. And very good. Well considering she is a cook and makes a living feeding people and is a full blooded Italian. Need I say more. The first dish was of course pasta, followed by some sort of fancy stuffed chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes with gravy, followed by a cherry cheese cake that was to die for. The ladies got some kind fruit and ice cream thing in a chocolate cup which you could eat. They must have run out of those. But, again, the cherry cheese cake was so good, I was very contented. I was starving too, after having driven 4 hours most of which was through a torrential downpour. I said to Ruth at one point, I think we need a boat, not a car. It slowed us down considerably. I thought if we left at 10:30am( the shower was at 2pm) we would be on time. I was wrong. Plus we were 30 minutes late leaving. We were 1 hour late for the shower , but luckily just in time for the food and for Ruth to help Kim open her presents. Which she got allot of. I am told that this is not the only shower she is going to have either. Her and Dan are going to be pretty well set when this baby comes.
We stayed the night at Dan's parents( Gary and Louise) house. They are very hospitable people. They even gave up their bed for Kim, to make her more comfortable. Now, that's a good mom and dad. There were so many gifts, we couldn't bring them all in our little car, so Gary and Louise will bring them in the van when Dan and Kim move. Hopefully, Ruth and I can return the hospitality favour at that time.
On the way home, after another professionally cooked breakfast, ( how does she get the eggs like that?) we stopped off at Colasantes. This is a combination of a greenhouse/restaurant/zoo/novelty store/ Christmas store etc. If you are ever in this area this is a must see. I think they just kept adding on over the years until it has become this huge tourist attraction. They are famous for their broasted chicken and home made donuts and apple cider. A real treat believe me. I ate four donuts if that tells you anything. Nothing like them anywhere, especially when you get them warm out of the cooker. Yummmmy! I'll do twice as many push ups tomorrow to compensate. Honest, I will.
I got to feel the baby Kick! WOW! That is so cool. That little life moving around like that. I wonder how they can breathe water? I can't wait to meet her. But if she's anything like her mom and Nana, she'll be beautiful!


Patti said...

I don't think this post was REALLY about babies or showers.

It was REALLY about food.

Nice job. :)

Joe said...

That little life moving around like that. I wonder how they can breathe water?

When I read that line I snortled. Snortled? Snortle? A shorter, more rapid intake of air than a snort. Which also is an near answer to your question... they use a snorkel... the umbilical cord.

(ok ok I made the word snortled up... it isn't the first time I created or synthesized a new word.)

Dougie G said...

Patti, that's what Ruth said too. In fact I had more to say about the food, but she said " you're talking too much about food". Well, yes, I guess I was. I'm guilty. I was a hungry guy at a baby shower. Is there something else to talk about?
Joe, I never thought of that before. There must also be a fluff screen like the dryer has.

Patti said...

Dougie -

I'll let you in on a secret. At a baby shower (or any shower, for that matter) - I'm most excited about the food too.


D_Morrison said...


Meredith said...

I think the funniest thing about attending family showers was how my mother wasn't allowed to play the word search/memory games/crosswords since she so thoroughly trounced everyone else at them!

The food.. a close 2nd. In the German church we'd always have open-faced sandwiches of rye bread, havarti cheese, and lunchmeat, with tortes and cakes for dessert.

It is certainly nice to have the girls only showers, but I'm also a pretty big fan of "Jack and Jill" showers (where its basically equal numbers of guys and girls, more substantial food, and different games) for weddings -- a friend of mine who is getting married will have several "traditional" showers so the rest of us are organizing a Jack & Jill for them. I think when the time comes to have kids I like that idea as well... but that's just my preference.

Joe said...

Meredith said: I think when the time comes to have kids I like that idea as well... but that's just my preference.

Does that mean you want twins... one named Jack and the other Jill? Hmmm... reminds of the peanut butter we had as kids... Jack and Jill peanut butter... came in a half gallon can. You had to be constantly eating the stuff or the oil would seperate out... yuck!

Dougie G said...

Jack and Jill...... Peanut Butter and Jam!(strawberry)mmmm, good. Now there's a combination worth mentioning.