Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gators and Cravings

I heard on the radio today there is a school down in Colorado that will teach you how to wrestle Alligators. Yes that's right....... gator wrestling. For $150 U.S. you can learn how to take down an alligator, unless he takes you down first. You start off with small ones about 4 feet long, then work your way up the the 600lb 12 footers. The trick is, you have to go in quickly from behind on the gators back and hang on for dear life around his neck. He will try to eat you. They teach you all the techniques. You have to learn how to not let him drag you into the water where he has a great advantage and 60 other friends that would like to eat you too. When he is tired and the ride is over you have to get away as quickly as you got on or he may try to eat you again. Sounds like fun eh? Where do I sign up? The teachers 7 year old daughter has been doing this for some time with great success. If the guys get scared, he gets her to demonstrate and they quickly get their courage back. Amazing what a little girl and a lot of male ego will do to motivate and bring on the courage. I might try getting a group from church to go down and give it a try, Whoever is left over, no pun intended, can pay the bill!

I've had a craving for KFC lately. I get this about once a year. Everyday I drive by a KFC outlet, the smell is so good, I'm just wanting to pig out on a large bucket of that succulent, greasy, delicacy. Anybody that is the least bit health conscious, knows KFC is just about the worst junk food that could pass your lips. It is chock full of unhealthy fats, salt and other chemicals and the chicken probably has next to zero nutrients due to the processing and cooking methods. But!, boy does it taste good when you're really hungry. Usually, I will indulge my craving. Completely satisfied after licking my fingers, then get this queasy uneasy feeling in my stomach, then the heartburn, and then I vow I will never do that again. Until the next craving about a year down the road. It used to be when I was younger, that KFC and A&W was the only take out food available. We didn't have much money, so going out to eat at one of these places was a rare treat that only happened, maybe, about once a year. Do you think? No. Could it be? Maybe, this is just a continuation of a childhood habit formed by my parentals? I should consult a shrink and find out.

What cravings do you have?


TLC said...

Steak. I crave steak, baked potato with sour cream, cheddar cheese and chives, corn on the gob and a glass of iced tea. Ok, so this doesn't sound too bad - problem is, I crave this at 6:30am, when I'm nearing the end of my midnight shift.

My other craving is for cotton candy. I love that candy floss!!

Don G said...

Alligator wrestling and KFC-----two ways to commit suicide----albeit, with KFC, the process is very slow, but delightful. What else can I say ?

Patti said...

Dark chocolate with burnt almonds.

KFC once a year is NOT going to kill you!

Alligators might.

Meredith said...

you know, i read this and thought "Hmm... that sounds like a reasonable amount to learn how to wrestle alligators!" I would actually do that.... hehe.

That's my cheap side and the reckless side both coming out at once :)