Thursday, May 22, 2008


My wife cut out a comic from the paper yesterday that was me to a "T". It was the ADAM comic.
There are four picture frames:

1rst picture: Adam is at the keyboard of his computer and thinks to himself; " I love blogging. It's a great way to stay in touch."

2nd picture: hands at keyboard, eyes skyward, thinking, thinking

3rd picture: eyes still skyward, still thinking, thinking, thinking.

4th picture: click, click. click, click, " I have nothing to blog about today!"

That's me! Good one Ruth! You made me laugh and made my day and gave me something to blog about! Blogging about having nothing to blog about. That's new one!

PS: I came across a great web site for the Creation verses Evolution argument. Science supports the Creation story! The author says that in two generations the Evolution theory will be nothing more than an intellectual joke. Why? Because the kids these days want examples from their teachers of species that are in the transitional evolutionary stages and they can't come up with any so the teachers are stopping teaching about it! Take a look at:

1 comment:

Patti said...

"blogging about having nothing to blog about"

I love it!