Sunday, April 20, 2008


We were able to avert a strike. A tentative agreement has been reached. It just has to be ratified by the membership with the recommendation of our union executive. In the agreement we will receive a 3% wage increase per year for the next 3 years. There were no concessions made. We gained some ground on benefits as it relates to work related injuries. That's all the details I have, but it looks fairly good on the surface. Praise God! I'm sure there are many relieved commuters. As far as TTC being declared an essential service, that remains unknown at this time. The premier is in favour of it. I'm not sure about the commission. Everybody knows it is an essential service in Toronto. I think eventually, in time, it will be made official. It has to, because striking, in my opinion, is really no longer an option, and I think everyone, including the union, recognises that fact. TTC? HSR? TTC? HSR? The jury is still out on that one too.


Kelly said...

Doug ... so glad the strike was averted ...

D_Morrison said...

I am relieved there is no strike.

AS for it being an essencial service. Well, when I told my friend in Ottawa there might have been a transit strike, his responce was "What? they are alloud to strike? Arn't they an essenscial service? People could die with out transit!?"

So I'm happy!

Patti said...


Don G said...

YAHOO !!!!!

Joe said...

Now... does the membership have the sense to ratify the contract?

I've been in unions where a deal often didn't get ratified to the frustration of both the union and management negotiating committees.

I hope wisdom wins out.

Dougie G said...

Joe.... That remains to be seen. None of us have seen a copy of the contract yet. I'm hoping we get one this week. I hear allot of negative talk around the division. Many of the guys still want a strike and don't feel we have got a very good deal.I'm with you, I hope wisdom wins out.