Monday, March 10, 2008

My Prayer too for Me Today........ For You!

A Prayer©
By Jacquline S. Meyndert

I pray Lord that you'll restrain me
When someone lashes out to hurt
Don't allow me to bid revenge
But teach me to avert

Teach me to love unconditionally
Teach me always to care
Teach me to teach good things
Things that will always be there

I pray for the wisdom that will bring peace,
I pray for the understanding that will bring love,
I pray for heavenly blessings that will come from our Father above

Bless me with the faith,
Oh Lord To make this prayer come true
Bless me with the strength,
Oh Lord To follow after you



Don G said...

Thanks for the prayer - I can use some of that- maybe....All ????

Patti said...

I have a prayer on my file cabinet. It says:

"Dear Lord, so far today, I'm - doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent. I have not whined, complained, cursed, or eaten any chocolate. I have charged nothing on my credit card.

But I will be getting out of bed in a minute, and I think that I will really need your help then."


Joe said...



Dougie G said...

Ain't that the truth!