Saturday, March 15, 2008

Goodbye Claudio, Rest in Peace

If you read my post for March 2ND entitled " Life can be Bitter Sweet", I told you about my co-worker being sick and dieing in hospital. I was on holidays and out of touch with what was going on at work. This was the day of his funeral. I just found out tonight, Yes, he died. 42 years old, leaving behind a wife, 9 year old son and 3 month old daughter. A group of drivers took a bus and drove it to Brampton where the funeral took place. I missed it. I had every intention of visiting him in the hospital, because he was so close, Hamilton General. I wanted to talk to him about Jesus and pray with him. I don't know if he knew the Lord or not. We talked about a few things at work, but not our faith. I missed my opportunity and I'm not feeling very good about that right now. In fact, to say I'm a little ticked at myself is an understatement. I have missed a few opportunities in life to be a blessing to someone, and every time I say I won't let that happen again, my life gets in the way, and I miss it again. To show you what kind of man Claudio was and how he cared about people, about one year ago, while driving his bus, he came across a single car accident, where the car had hit a tree. There were two ladies trapped inside. He stopped, got them out of the car and then went back to get their purses! The car was smoking. He was being recognized by TTC for bring a hero. He died February 27Th, two days before he was to be presented with the award. They gave it to his 9 year old son, who still doesn't really understand what happened to his dad, but he does understand what he did for others, those two ladies. What a way to be remembered! To go out as a hero. He didn't see himself as a hero. He just considered it part of his job. You know there are some people in life you just connect with? Claudio was one of those. He would spend time excitedly telling me about his trip to the Ukraine ( his wife is Ukrainian, he is Spanish) meeting his father-in-law and brother-in-law for the first time. He told the story several times and I listened to it every time. Maybe that's why he talked to me, because I liked to listen to his story. I'm really sad he is gone and I won't get to talk to him or listen to him anymore. I feel very sorry for his wife and his children. He was too young to die and had too much to live for.
Sometimes, life just is not fair.
Sometimes, I think there is no justice in this world.
I know differently, because God is all about fairness and justice.
The day is coming when we will finally have these two things.
I hope.

Dedicated to my friend. Claudio Infante. May you rest in peace. My hero.


Joe said...

You lost a friend and a chance to share who is in your heart. Sometimes we seem to learn too late our lesson to share a word of life with those we know. Yet death takes many by surprise. If we push we may repel. We look for the God moment. Sadly, sometimes it just doesn't come.

Patti said...

Doug - Your post is a real honour to your friend. Thanks for it.

I am truly sorry for your loss.

D_Morrison said...

I can only repeat what Patti said.

Im sorry for your Loss.

Don G said...

dougie g, I can share your pain. I've experienced the same thing a number of times. I can say that you should not beat yourself up over not having witnessed to Claudio. I believe these kinds of opportunities are given by God. If you had been given an opportunity and refused to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, that would be something else. John 6:65 says: " This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him ". 1Cor. 2:14 says " The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned ".
I believe that when God begins to enlighten an unsaved person, he leads them to one of His children and that is where we either listen to the Spirit and follow His lead: or, we act in disobedience and fumble the ball.

Dougie G said...

Thanks dad, and Joe and Patti and Dan. You have made me feel better about this.It's good to have friends to share burdens with.
I love you guys. Especially you dad with your wise council. That meant allot to me. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Doug? My name is Jen Woolvett. Claudio was my brother. It's been really hard to find any reason behind this whole thing, I think about him all the time and his poor wife and kids. There isnt a word in the English language that could describe how tryly selfless Claudio was through-out his whole life. Hes was a clean living guy, never mean or rude to anyone. He loved his family so much, and worked hard to give them a great life. I am so touched my your blog, and am sorry you missed the funeral, but Im sure Claudio knows that.
Well I'm sure my mom would love to speak with you, and I would too!
My email is I hope you get this. Take Care, and God Bless You
