Sunday, February 17, 2008

Injustice of the Worst Kind

I was listening to CFRB talk radio tonight and heard some rather disturbing news. There was a lady on the show that is involved with human rights in all parts of the world, particularily as it concerns the abuse and wrongfull incarceration and killing of women. This seems to be rampant in Islamic countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. Apparently, the latest case involves a young women who was raped in Iran. Aparently in the Islamic religion and culture, if a women has any kind of sexual experience prior to marriage, the penalty is death by stoning. She is responsible for keeping herself pure until marriage. This young lady was RAPED! How in the world can that be her fault? Because she was not able to find four men to verify that she was indeed raped, she has been held responsible and has been put in jail on death row and sentenced to death by stoning.So, not only does she have to deal with the trama of being raped, which has to be a violation at the deepest level, she is getting killed for it! Unbelieveable! According to Islamic law, women must have four men witnesses to prove their innocence. It is next to impossible to find four men to vouch for any women. Women in these countries are treated worse than the animals. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.How can people be so cruel? Don't these men have wives, mothers, grandmothers and sisters they care about? What kind of evil religion would condone such violence against such prescious women?
It was obvious Jesus loved women. He was surrounded by them and they were some of his closest confidants.He treated them with the utmost respect, honour and love.
I also have been surrounded by women my whole life. My mother, two older sisters, two grandmothers, my wife, step-daughter and many spiritual sisters. I also honour, respect and love women. I can't conceive of the behavior I have heard about tonight. I'm so angry, I don't know what to do with it.
My protective instincs have been engaged to the max.
How can we stand by and do nothing?
What can we do?
Why does God allow this kind of injustice to continue?
I know, women have had to fight for justice, even in this country, to gain some kind of equality with men. It wasn't that long ago women recieved the right to vote! Women in this country now have the opportunity to pursue their dreams, ambitions, education and career goals. The battle is not completely over, especially in the church, but it has progressed a long way from where it was.
In other countries women are being killed for getting raped!
That is Injustice at it's very worst.
That must grieve God's spirit.
It has mine.
I would like to add that the Islamic Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion in Canada. We are letting them in this country by the thousands and they are not leaving their fundamental beliefs behind. They are building huge expensive temples. The centre for Canada can be seen in Mississauga on the south side of the QEW, with a large phallic symbol right in front to declare exactly where they stand. I can explain the meaning of that symbol, but not in my blog, due to the graphic sexual nature of it, but I can tell you it is both against women and is anti-semetic.
We are in for a rude awakening unless somebody wakes up soon. Talk about a trogen horse strategy to take over the world. That is their goal.
And the government is removing God from everything public? So as not to offend other religions? The lastest of which is Dalton Macginty taking the Lords Prayer out of parlament? God is the only one who can really protect us against these terrorists.
Do you think the Devil is still alive and working?
Where are Gods people with their gifts of discernment to pray against the strategies of the devil?
Am I the only one that sees what is happening?


Joe said...

The last four lines of a poem I wrote:

Where now are the voices of reason and insight
to call a people to repentance and prayer?
While it's still day, before the waning light,
stand, stand, stand against the night!

Doug... you took the first step... expressed what you had in your heart when you heard of this outrage. Let more words be put into print... let voices be raised... and stand against the enemy of our souls, the master of the night.

Don G said...

dougie g, I think we are now and over the past several years, reaping what we sowed. I'm speaking of two generations of Christians in Canada who retreated into their sanctuaries, into their own little world of sanctity and said I'm OK ----let them on the outside fend for themselves: not knowing that those on the outside were reshaping the whole environment in which they lived. I'm one of them.
We didn't wake up until the matter of homos in the pulpit and same sex marriage appeared on the scene. The devil loves inactive Christians. They don't bother him because it allows him to do his work unimpeded. The opening of the doors of this country to other nationalities is part of the " social gospel" so popular in the 60's and 70's. Not that there is any thing wrong with taking in oppressed people, but, it should have been done with proper boundaries established by citizens who were guided by the love of God and not by those in bondage to the ruler of darkness. We're just reaping what we sowed and now we have to live in the environment.
Having said that, we now have to be aware of what is going on around us and take steps to counteract it, just as you have done in this blog. We can't all be missionaries to other countries where we might fight these injustices, but we can support those who are called, with our finances and our prayer. And be more alert of the social changes that are going on around us like the Lord's prayer in the Ontario legislature. Incidentally, I am planning on writing a letter to the editor on that issue ---just have to research a couple of facts before writing it.
Thanks for the prodding me into action.

D_Morrison said...

I'm supprised this didn't stir up more in your readers Doug. I feel your anger on this issue, and sometimes wonder why Christians are not MORE outspoken on such injustice, and a little peeved when we DO seem outspoken on issues like Hairy Potter, smoking, and Dungeons and Dragons being the evil's of our modern age.

It down right angers me to see such things happen to women. These are our Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Friends, Wives! As you said, when I think of someone doing that to one of the women dear to me, my blood boils.

Stone her for being raped? How about stone the SOB who even SUGGESTED such punishment, throw acid at your own daughter because she doesn't believe in the same thing you do? How about throw acid at you for even THINKING such a thing.

It burns me, what CAN we do?

Pray, speak out, and guard our children, make sure our Daughters, wives, Mothers and Grandmothers understand we see them as equil, strong, independent, free, and that we value them!

I value my wife as a partner, an equil, and a very dear important part of my life, she's my other half! I couldn't DREAM of this sort of thing happening to her. It makes me angry just THINKING about it.

Dougie G said...

Joe... Great poem. There's not too many these days that are willing to take a stand, except for the wrong things.

Don g..... We are reaping what we have sown. It's not too late to turn it around.

Psalm 81 vs 11-16.
" But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me." So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices.
" If my people would listen to me; if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!
Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever.
But you would be fed with the finest of wheat;
with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."

Dan.. I am surprised too. People don't want to "offend" anybody.That's the problem. We won't offend the offenders but it's ok to offend the Holy Spirit by doing nothing or kicking God out of our social structure! Church leaders stand by and do and say nothing so as not to be offensive. One of the signs of the last days is people calling evil good and good evil. It is happening right before our eyes.
I for one am going to speak out against injustice and I don't care what happens to me personally.When I stand before Almighty God one day I will have nothing to be ashamed of.

Dougie G said...

Just for the record, I'm referring to "The church" in general, on a National level, not my church.
I have a great church full of love and grace!