Friday, February 22, 2008

Holiday Time!

One more day and I have two weeks of paid vacation! Nice. No routine. We're not doing anything special, just getting some things done I can't do while I am working. I may take a blogging holiday too. This thing can be addictive. So I may or may not be commenting too much. OK, you can stop cheering now. Maybe I'll be a lurker, like some of you are! Or maybe not. One day at a time.

Quote for the day:

" God never threatens; the devil never warns." Oswald Chambers

We sometimes use the words "threat" and "warning" interchangeably, but chambers saw a principal that suggests a distinction. Threats are used to get people to do what is in our best interest. Warnings are issued to get people to do what is in their best interest. In other words, threats seek to preserve power whereas warnings serve to protect people from danger. Satan wants us to think of God's loving warnings as mean-spirited threats, but he is wrong. According to Chambers, " A warning is a great arresting statement of God's, inspired by his love and patience."

In loving relationships, people warn one another of the inevitable consequences of foolish behavior. In unhealthy relationships, people threaten one another with punishment if they fail to live up to unreasonable demands.
As we interact with others, it's good to consider the nature of our counsel and commands. Do we use ultimatums to preserve our own well being? Or do we lovingly warn others to keep them from harm?


Great questions, great thoughts. TRUTH!

Read Deuteronomy 4:32-40.



Joe said...

I for one have always made a great distinction between a threat and a warning. Sadly most people do accept the words as interchangeable. Of course what passes for english is far from the reality of what words actually mean.

Therefore english is a mean language full of hostility. It is so mean beause of limitations. Know what I mean?

by the way Doug... you never blog too much... just much.

Patti said...

Happy Vacation!

(I notice you got the sitemeter working!)

Don G said...

You didn't say anything I could disagree with so, that makes you a great thinker. Have a good holiday and bring me back a 4 pound brown trout.

Dougie G said...

Joe.... much is right, much to Ruths chagrin!
Patti...yes I did thanks. I never knew you had one. Sheepdog used to have one and I liked to see how many times I visited and how long I spent each time. It's amazing how much time you can spend blogging!
Dad.....only four pounds? P Roy and Dave and I are going Monday. I'll see what I can do.