Saturday, December 29, 2007

Well, It's all over for 2007.

Christmas is all over for another year. It took 2 months of preparation and planning and was over in two days. The meal took six hours to make and was over in 15 minutes. It's the same every year, but I think that just goes to show us that most of the joy is in the process and not just in the end result. Speaking of end result, I have gained 4lbs in two days and I know it's because of all the sweet goodies I ate. I have a sweet tooth. I can't help myself. They are too good to resist. After New Years it's back to the routine and the resisting. I will lose that weight. I will. Really.

All in all it was a great Christmas. It was great to be with all the relatives and friends. We had a few firsts this Christmas. Our daughter Kim, her new husband, Dan, my in laws and Ruth and I all sleeping in the same house. Hokey Smokes! Talk about crowded! Good thing we're a close family. But it was good to see them go! I do love the music and all the festivities this celebration brings. In the midst of all the busyness, it does take some work to keep it all in perspective as to why we are celebrating and to think and do something for those that are less fortunate than ourselves.

My wife spoiled me again. I received allot of great gifts this Christmas. One of my favorites is the complete series of Planet Earth BBC Video series. If you like nature shows, you will love this. Absolutely amazing photo footage. If you like this stuff, let Ruth or me know and we will have you over to watch it with us!

Well, now we have New Years to celebrate. More food and friends ! We're looking forward to it and to the opportunities that the new year is going to bring.
From Ruth and I, hoping your New Year is full of joy, happiness, prosperity, and new beginnings. May God richly bless each and every one of you! See you in 2008.



Patti said...

I think you and I are following each other around the blogs this morning, Dougie.

Happy New Year to you and Ruth!

Joe said...

So Doug... does that mean you will be gaining another four lbs courtesy of the New Year's Eve festivities?

I know Linda and I will still be celebrating Christmas until the turkey is finally gone. That probably won't happen until Jan 3. My weight-scale though is getting dangerously close to going around the dial. Ah, to be two pounds again.

Patti said...

Two pounds??

When were you two pounds??!!

Don G said...

Joe: To get rid of the turkey in a hurry, MAKE SOUP ! That's what Doug did. He gave me 2 buckets. Had some for lunch today: it was delicious - more like stew than soup.

Dougie G said...

Dad..I like to make porrage the same way. Like my father-in-law says
" nice n tick". He likes soupy porrage, so if he has no spoon you can drink it. I like it, so if you don't have a spoon you can eat it with your fingers. So, I'm glad you liked my turkey soup/stew. I had some for lunch today too. It was good if I do say so myself.
Ruth was right about Butterball Turkey. It was melt in your mouth tender. Worth the extra few bucks.

Joe... I hope not. I'm going to do some extra push ups to try and make up for my lack of resistance to the goodies.

Patti...yes I noticed that.I guess we both had some spare time at the same time. You and Jeff have a great New Year too!

Joe said...

When was I two pounds?

Last year. I saw it coming. I read the scale. Each day I gained a pound around the holidays... 297, 298, 299, 0, 1, 2.

Kelly said...

Happy New Year Doug!
All the best in 2008