Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's All Relative!

Ruth and I attended her Uncle Doug's funeral last Tuesday. We just made it on time after a
2 1/2 hour drive to Blenheim. We were ushered very quickly into a room off to the side of the sanctuary of the church where the funeral was taking place. This was the " family" room. I felt a little awkward, because I didn't feel like I deserved to be there for some reason. There were probably many people in the audience that knew uncle Doug better than I did. When it was time to start the service, just a few minutes later after some instructions from the minister and the funeral director, we were led into the front two rows reserved for the family. It was a nice service. Uncle Doug was in the choir, so we sung a few of his favorite hymns. The minister gave a good summery of his life and labeled him a " balcony person". Balcony people are down to earth types and historically, back in the days when you had to pay for seating, these were the "cheap" seats because they were the farthest from the heat source, which would have been a wood stove. Uncle Doug stood 6' 6" tall, so his shadow would cover the pulpit where the minister was. There was no grave side service since he was being cremated and the snow from the day before. After the service, there was a reception in the church auditorium, where the church ladies had sandwiches and other goodies for us. Uncle Doug was a farmer in a small town and I think all 400 of them showed up to pay their respects to the family. I knew almost nobody except for the immediate family, which I have only seen about 6 times in the past 12 years. Ruth on the other hand had a longer history after growing up with this family. She had people coming up to her saying " Ruthie, it's been such a long time, do you remember me?" Ruth had no clue who half these people were, but played along very well as if she did, and then she introduced me to them! Like the Farqueson. These are the relatives on Grandma Tolls side ( Ruth's dads mom). I asked to meet Charlie Farqueson, and got a rather dirty look, after finding out the guy who does the comedy stole that name from their Grandfather. They were just kidding though. A fun bunch. All in all it was a bitter sweet time. We said goodbye to Uncle Doug. He is with Jesus now. At the same time, Ruth got to reconnect with family and friends she has not seen for years.

On another subject. I need to take a poll. Who makes turkeys? Every year Ruth and I have this discussion. Her personal preference is " Butterball" and I usually like "PC", because they are cheaper. You know the self-basting ones. The "Butterball" is stuffed though. I actually picked a Butterball this year because it is stuffed and you can cook it from frozen and we got it at the Barn , not Fortinos. She thinks the Butterball is better than the PC. I say "God" makes turkey, not Butterball or PC so how can one be better than the other? All they do is dress it and stick butter under the skin so it melts while cooking, hence the self basting.
Which turkey do you buy and why?
Ruth's says, yes God makes turkeys and I am one of them! lol. ( Not Really)
She says I am her "Butterball"!


Patti said...

I make turkeys! (Although not this year; I'm off the hook.)

But when I do, I make PC. I trust the brand as much as Butterball, and they're cheaper.

But I don't want a stuffed turkey. I make my own stuffing, with great pride. Just made it a few minutes ago for later today!

Joe said...

We always have turkey for Christmas. And every day for about a week. Ending in the second week with turkey soup. And like the Egyptians... a jar is taken with the essence of turkey and placed in the tomb we call a freezer in hopes of a resurrection or at least a latter-day-feast.

I can relate to the family members gathering and not knowing who they are. When my parents passed away there always seemed to be a crowd of people we haven't seen in years... decades. That is the only consistant thing with my side of the family, we only get together for weddings and funerals of close family members.

Don G said...

My vote is for the Butterball. They taste better because of the oil injected into them. With the PC, you baste them in their own juice and they are better for you. I heard that the Butterball is high on the list of No-No's for dieters - that's why they taste so good. Remember the old cliche - every thing I like is either too expensive, illegal or fattening.

Dougie G said...

Dad........ I'm glad you like Butterball, cause that's what you're getting Christmas day. You might as well throw out the diet for that day!