Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bitter Sweet Evening

Well, we had the first party for this Christmas season. It started out to be a party for those that regularly blogged with each other. Dinner and a movie. My idea was to keep it simple and have pizza. It turned out to be a pot luck ( blessing), and consisted mainly of the usual bunch we like to socialize with. With the exception of Sonja. Yes we met her for the first time tonight. She is the official new girlfriend of Chad's. Very nice girl. She loves God and we think it is quite obvious she is pretty fond of Chad too, and vice verse. I'm really happy for them. They are both good people and deserve to be happy. We never did watch the movie, even though I think there is only one copy of it to rent in Hamilton and I was able to get it yesterday. It's called " Polar Express". Sounds great on surround sound. We played a game called " Cranium". Allot of fun. It's kind of like a combination of charades, pictionary, acting etc. It's a game for your whole brain. I think we laughed so hard and so loud we scared my poor cat into next Tuesday. She'll come out of hiding when she gets hungry. All in all, it was a great evening with great friends and too much to eat. Another good memory created. What a nice problem to have. Let's do something for those less fortunate than ourselves this Christmas and help to supply their need. We are so blessed. I thank God every day for living in this country and for his provision.

The sad part of the evening was Ruth got a call around 7:00pm from her dad to tell her that her Uncle Doug had just passed away. He was Ruth's dad's brother. Nobody knew he was that sick. It happened really quickly. Ruth , fortunately, has many fond memories of her Uncle Doug. He was a Christian, so he will be in heaven now with Jesus. No more pain, no more sorrow, no more sadness, no more tears. Just joy and happiness worshipping the Lord full time!
So, we have a funeral to go to next week. It won't be too happy of a Christmas for certain members of the family. But, as I said in my last post. for the Christian, we don't say good bye forever. We have the hope of the resurrection and that we will see our loved ones again.
So, please take time this Christmas to enjoy your family. Treasure those precious moments, so that when it comes their time to leave this world, you will be left with those good memories that you can take with you to eternity. Love, like your life depended on it. Because it does.


Ruthann said...

It was a great night and it was great seeing everyone again with our busy lives sometimes it is so hard to get together but when we do as dougie said we let er rip with laughter etc.Sonya is beautiful and plays a great game of cranium and the carrot cake .....great
We are so blessed by so many friends.
Uncle Doug, I have so many memories of him he was about 6-6 he was my giant, both my aunt and uncle they went to the United Church but they lived their christian lives out by bible studies and prayer. In their own quiet way they lived out their Christianity. They just got up every day and did it. That's what I observed. That influenced me in my becoming a Christian. There was prayer and bible reading in the household . I didn't have that in my home. On that note, please pray for my dad at this time, because they were very close.

Ruthann said...

There is one thing I forgot to say my uncle is now with my aunt she passed away 12 years ago.We are all supose to spend Christmas together on boxing day.Thanks for your prayers

Joe said...

Sorry to read of your loss.

And thanks for inviting Linda and I to your party last night. Even though we left before the Cranium episode began we both enjoyed ourselves. Good friends and good eats. Ruthy you have the gift of hospitality.

Anonymous said...

Praise God that Uncle Doug knew the Lord. I will continue to pray for Ruth's Dad and Mom.

TLC said...

So sorry to hear about your loss...what a blessing to have such fond memories of your Uncle.

Thanks again for feeding me on Friday night - it was really such a great time!! It's even funnier when everyone is really tired. You have such a wonderful ministry just blessing people - thanks!!

Don G said...

I'm just using your blog to see if I can post a comment with my picture in it. I was able to put the picture in my Google Account but it doesn't seem to show in my postings. If it doesn't work again, maybe one of your readers can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Dougie G said...

Dad........ Looks good to me. Now you'll have to show me how you did that.

Dougie G said...


WE still have to see the movie!
Pick another night and we'll see the movie and eat pizza! I have 10 days off starting Dec 23rd, so we'll have lots of time for that kind of thing.

TLC said...

Hey - I'm off the 23rd too!! My brother is planning on coming to town...would that evening work for you guys??

Ruthann said...

tlc....I was talking to Dougy tonight and the 23rd is great for us...So bring on the movie and pizza crack open the water and pop. lol And here is to another fun night.