Monday, December 10, 2007

Welcome to my New Blog

Well..... It's time to launch out on my own and try this solo. I really enjoy exchanging conversation with my friends and making new friends. This is a great way for busy people to stay connected with others.

Today, I would like to talk about friends. I take my friendships seriously. My friends mean allot to me and I put much time effort and resources into them, including a small piece of my heart. Each of my friends has a special place in my heart. When I lose a friend, it hurts. I don't like getting hurt. It is not a nice feeling, so I try to avoid it like the plague. Sometimes, that is not in our control and it just happens. It is sad when it does.

There are different levels of friendship, just as there are different types of love. My closest friend is Jesus. He is closer than a brother. He is a constant presence. He will never leave me or forsake me. I believe that. My next closest friend is my wife Ruth. We share everything, except for those things that have been entrusted to us by others to keep in confidance to ourselves. We respect each others boundaries. She will always be my best supporter and me hers. As we say to each other " I've got your back babe".
Then I have different circles of friends that I have relationship with and within those circles are people at different levels of intimacy. I have a circle of friends in my biological family, church, and at work. Strangely enough I feel the closest to my church friends which I consider my extended family. We even refer to each other as " brother and sister" on occasion. That to me is more than just a name. We have that spiritual connection to Christ and the love I feel for my brothers and sisters is real and heartfelt. Just like my real sisters, although we share a heritage and an experience that is special and unique. There are times when blood is thicker than water. There is some truth to that. Jesus said in Mathew 10:37, " Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me". My dad also goes to my church so he has a double dose of friendship.

I think a friendship has to be a two way relationship that involves effort by both parties and a give and take on both parts. Just like a marriage, it takes work to keep it alive. If only one person is doing all the giving and nothing is coming back emotionally or otherwise, then that is not a friendship in my opinion. It may be a ministry, it may be calling, it may be a human vacuum, or just a big pain in the butt, but it is not a friendship. In any relationship there is an element if risk, because you are making yourself vulnerable to another person to some degree. I guess our level of basic trust determines how far and how quickly this process goes. I'm willing to take the risk, because the benefits far outweigh the risk to me. Friends make our life richer and much easier and much more enjoyable to share life rather than try to go it alone. No matter what happens or how badly others hurt me, I'll always have Jesus my friend who loves me..... and Ruth and they've " got my back".

So.. I'm looking for friends to talk to, current ones, old ones and I want to make some new ones!
Come, let us reason together says the Lord.
John 15:13, " Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
I want to do that for you! How about you?
I would just ask one thing, if you are going to leave our friendship, please say goodbye before you go so we can bless each other and let me share a lesson I learned recently; watch your words! IT may be the last ones you say to a person. Make sure they are words of encouragement and blessing or you may have some regrets!
Have a great week my friends and be blessed!


Johnny B said...

Hi Dougie Boy
Great blog. I had a little look-see around and it looks pretty good pal.

I'm not much of a blogger to be honest, but I may keep my eye on this one. It might be fun to blog a little.

Take care and God bless you and your family.

Johnny B
never giving up!

Dougie G said...

Thanks johnny b and welcome to my blog. I consider you one of my very close friends. I stood up with you at your wedding. I really love you and Annie and I wish the best for both of you.
God bless my friend. have a great day and let's keep talking.

Ruthann said...

Hi Hon!

Great blog. We do have the same heartbeat. You blog, cause that's what you do best, I'll open the door and entertain, cause that's what I do best. But, always by your side.
I'm at your back!

Joe said...

Welcome to the bloggin world. Well, you have participated in other blogs but this time the content topic is up to you. It will be interesting to see where this journey will go.

"I've got your back babe."

When I read that line I was reminded of two things... All the police programs I watch where the partner always says "I got your back" and a Sonny and Cher movie where they sing "I've got you, babe." Police, Sonny and Cher, weird combination. ;)

Dougie G said...

Thanks Joe. Yes, I'm looking forward to the journey and will try to keep it positive, interesting, informative and possibly even funny.
Weird combination? Yup. That's us. But it works. That's the main thing.
Thanks for your comments and I look forward to hearing more from you. You are a very interesting and informative knowledgeable guy and really respect your opinion.
Plus you give great bear hugs! lol

Don G said...

First off, I changed my password but, I don't know if it works until I try posting this note.
As far as friends are concerned, I'm glad that you are my " favourite son and my best friend ". We go back a long way. Is it okay if I say how far ? Okay, it's almost 52 years. You were my shadow when you were a toddler: later we worked together in business for sixteen years and now, I live in your house. I'm blessed because of you and our relationship. Please keep on being my friend --- I don't feel like moving !!

Dougie G said...

You're safe dad, I can't afford to move. Looks like you have your google account straightened around.
52 years! wow. Don't remind me. Time flys when you're having fun.
Happy blogging!

Dougie G said...

What am I saying! It's only 51 years! Don't rush things. The years go by too quickly by themselves without us giving them a boost! lol

Dougie G said...


Thanks for your support. You are very understanding in allowing me the freedom to spend the time on the blogging. I know our time is prescious. It means allot to me. My love tank is getting filled! Thank God for that book! lol