Saturday, December 29, 2007

Well, It's all over for 2007.

Christmas is all over for another year. It took 2 months of preparation and planning and was over in two days. The meal took six hours to make and was over in 15 minutes. It's the same every year, but I think that just goes to show us that most of the joy is in the process and not just in the end result. Speaking of end result, I have gained 4lbs in two days and I know it's because of all the sweet goodies I ate. I have a sweet tooth. I can't help myself. They are too good to resist. After New Years it's back to the routine and the resisting. I will lose that weight. I will. Really.

All in all it was a great Christmas. It was great to be with all the relatives and friends. We had a few firsts this Christmas. Our daughter Kim, her new husband, Dan, my in laws and Ruth and I all sleeping in the same house. Hokey Smokes! Talk about crowded! Good thing we're a close family. But it was good to see them go! I do love the music and all the festivities this celebration brings. In the midst of all the busyness, it does take some work to keep it all in perspective as to why we are celebrating and to think and do something for those that are less fortunate than ourselves.

My wife spoiled me again. I received allot of great gifts this Christmas. One of my favorites is the complete series of Planet Earth BBC Video series. If you like nature shows, you will love this. Absolutely amazing photo footage. If you like this stuff, let Ruth or me know and we will have you over to watch it with us!

Well, now we have New Years to celebrate. More food and friends ! We're looking forward to it and to the opportunities that the new year is going to bring.
From Ruth and I, hoping your New Year is full of joy, happiness, prosperity, and new beginnings. May God richly bless each and every one of you! See you in 2008.


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why I Love Ontario

It's winter in Ontario

And the gentle breezes blow

70 miles per hour at 52 below

Oh! How I love Ontario

When the snows up to your butt

You take a breath of winter air

And your nose is frozen shut

Yes, the weather here is wonderful

I guess I'll hang around

I could never leave Ontario

Cause I'm frozen to the ground.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's All Relative!

Ruth and I attended her Uncle Doug's funeral last Tuesday. We just made it on time after a
2 1/2 hour drive to Blenheim. We were ushered very quickly into a room off to the side of the sanctuary of the church where the funeral was taking place. This was the " family" room. I felt a little awkward, because I didn't feel like I deserved to be there for some reason. There were probably many people in the audience that knew uncle Doug better than I did. When it was time to start the service, just a few minutes later after some instructions from the minister and the funeral director, we were led into the front two rows reserved for the family. It was a nice service. Uncle Doug was in the choir, so we sung a few of his favorite hymns. The minister gave a good summery of his life and labeled him a " balcony person". Balcony people are down to earth types and historically, back in the days when you had to pay for seating, these were the "cheap" seats because they were the farthest from the heat source, which would have been a wood stove. Uncle Doug stood 6' 6" tall, so his shadow would cover the pulpit where the minister was. There was no grave side service since he was being cremated and the snow from the day before. After the service, there was a reception in the church auditorium, where the church ladies had sandwiches and other goodies for us. Uncle Doug was a farmer in a small town and I think all 400 of them showed up to pay their respects to the family. I knew almost nobody except for the immediate family, which I have only seen about 6 times in the past 12 years. Ruth on the other hand had a longer history after growing up with this family. She had people coming up to her saying " Ruthie, it's been such a long time, do you remember me?" Ruth had no clue who half these people were, but played along very well as if she did, and then she introduced me to them! Like the Farqueson. These are the relatives on Grandma Tolls side ( Ruth's dads mom). I asked to meet Charlie Farqueson, and got a rather dirty look, after finding out the guy who does the comedy stole that name from their Grandfather. They were just kidding though. A fun bunch. All in all it was a bitter sweet time. We said goodbye to Uncle Doug. He is with Jesus now. At the same time, Ruth got to reconnect with family and friends she has not seen for years.

On another subject. I need to take a poll. Who makes turkeys? Every year Ruth and I have this discussion. Her personal preference is " Butterball" and I usually like "PC", because they are cheaper. You know the self-basting ones. The "Butterball" is stuffed though. I actually picked a Butterball this year because it is stuffed and you can cook it from frozen and we got it at the Barn , not Fortinos. She thinks the Butterball is better than the PC. I say "God" makes turkey, not Butterball or PC so how can one be better than the other? All they do is dress it and stick butter under the skin so it melts while cooking, hence the self basting.
Which turkey do you buy and why?
Ruth's says, yes God makes turkeys and I am one of them! lol. ( Not Really)
She says I am her "Butterball"!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas- A New Idea?

The prophet Isaiah wanted God to " Rend the heavens and come down" ( Isaiah 64:1-3)
In Isaiah 42:1-9 God had a different idea.

" Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I put my spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands( those who don't always play it safe) will put their hope.

This is what God the Lord says-- he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it; I, The Lord have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the gentiles, to open the eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

I am the Lord; That is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."

So, God doesn't always answer us the way we think he should or the way he has done things in the past.

He did a new thing. That's why we are celebrating Christmas. Jesus was God's " New Idea".

Has God answered your prayers the way you wanted him to?

Do you think he wants to do something new in your life today?


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bitter Sweet Evening

Well, we had the first party for this Christmas season. It started out to be a party for those that regularly blogged with each other. Dinner and a movie. My idea was to keep it simple and have pizza. It turned out to be a pot luck ( blessing), and consisted mainly of the usual bunch we like to socialize with. With the exception of Sonja. Yes we met her for the first time tonight. She is the official new girlfriend of Chad's. Very nice girl. She loves God and we think it is quite obvious she is pretty fond of Chad too, and vice verse. I'm really happy for them. They are both good people and deserve to be happy. We never did watch the movie, even though I think there is only one copy of it to rent in Hamilton and I was able to get it yesterday. It's called " Polar Express". Sounds great on surround sound. We played a game called " Cranium". Allot of fun. It's kind of like a combination of charades, pictionary, acting etc. It's a game for your whole brain. I think we laughed so hard and so loud we scared my poor cat into next Tuesday. She'll come out of hiding when she gets hungry. All in all, it was a great evening with great friends and too much to eat. Another good memory created. What a nice problem to have. Let's do something for those less fortunate than ourselves this Christmas and help to supply their need. We are so blessed. I thank God every day for living in this country and for his provision.

The sad part of the evening was Ruth got a call around 7:00pm from her dad to tell her that her Uncle Doug had just passed away. He was Ruth's dad's brother. Nobody knew he was that sick. It happened really quickly. Ruth , fortunately, has many fond memories of her Uncle Doug. He was a Christian, so he will be in heaven now with Jesus. No more pain, no more sorrow, no more sadness, no more tears. Just joy and happiness worshipping the Lord full time!
So, we have a funeral to go to next week. It won't be too happy of a Christmas for certain members of the family. But, as I said in my last post. for the Christian, we don't say good bye forever. We have the hope of the resurrection and that we will see our loved ones again.
So, please take time this Christmas to enjoy your family. Treasure those precious moments, so that when it comes their time to leave this world, you will be left with those good memories that you can take with you to eternity. Love, like your life depended on it. Because it does.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Grief Is Messy

Bob was talking on his blog about the shooting at the mega church in the states. Just so happens my devotion today talks about grief. The main scripture reference is 1 Thess, 4:13-18, key verse 4:13, " I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those that have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope."

The story used in this devotion had to do with the plane crash on Nov 14, 1970 that took the lives of most of the Marshall University Football team. We recently saw this movie. It is called "We are Marshall". A true story, but like this shooting, the grief can be extremely painful and messy. Two of the people who lost loved ones in the plane crash were Paul Griffen and Annie Cantrell. Their story intertwined because Griffens son, Chris, was Annie's fiance. When Chris died, their lives were plunged into a year of pain that seemed unbearable. Why? Because, as Paul told Annie in the movie, " Grief is messy".

The whole point of the devotion was to point out that as Christians there is something beyond the tears, pain and loss. There is hope! Loss and death are a part of life, but believers can face them, knowing Christians never say goodbye for the last time. We can comfort one another with the hope of the resurrection and a future reunion.

Because Christ lives, death is not tragedy but triumph!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Welcome to my New Blog

Well..... It's time to launch out on my own and try this solo. I really enjoy exchanging conversation with my friends and making new friends. This is a great way for busy people to stay connected with others.

Today, I would like to talk about friends. I take my friendships seriously. My friends mean allot to me and I put much time effort and resources into them, including a small piece of my heart. Each of my friends has a special place in my heart. When I lose a friend, it hurts. I don't like getting hurt. It is not a nice feeling, so I try to avoid it like the plague. Sometimes, that is not in our control and it just happens. It is sad when it does.

There are different levels of friendship, just as there are different types of love. My closest friend is Jesus. He is closer than a brother. He is a constant presence. He will never leave me or forsake me. I believe that. My next closest friend is my wife Ruth. We share everything, except for those things that have been entrusted to us by others to keep in confidance to ourselves. We respect each others boundaries. She will always be my best supporter and me hers. As we say to each other " I've got your back babe".
Then I have different circles of friends that I have relationship with and within those circles are people at different levels of intimacy. I have a circle of friends in my biological family, church, and at work. Strangely enough I feel the closest to my church friends which I consider my extended family. We even refer to each other as " brother and sister" on occasion. That to me is more than just a name. We have that spiritual connection to Christ and the love I feel for my brothers and sisters is real and heartfelt. Just like my real sisters, although we share a heritage and an experience that is special and unique. There are times when blood is thicker than water. There is some truth to that. Jesus said in Mathew 10:37, " Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me". My dad also goes to my church so he has a double dose of friendship.

I think a friendship has to be a two way relationship that involves effort by both parties and a give and take on both parts. Just like a marriage, it takes work to keep it alive. If only one person is doing all the giving and nothing is coming back emotionally or otherwise, then that is not a friendship in my opinion. It may be a ministry, it may be calling, it may be a human vacuum, or just a big pain in the butt, but it is not a friendship. In any relationship there is an element if risk, because you are making yourself vulnerable to another person to some degree. I guess our level of basic trust determines how far and how quickly this process goes. I'm willing to take the risk, because the benefits far outweigh the risk to me. Friends make our life richer and much easier and much more enjoyable to share life rather than try to go it alone. No matter what happens or how badly others hurt me, I'll always have Jesus my friend who loves me..... and Ruth and they've " got my back".

So.. I'm looking for friends to talk to, current ones, old ones and I want to make some new ones!
Come, let us reason together says the Lord.
John 15:13, " Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
I want to do that for you! How about you?
I would just ask one thing, if you are going to leave our friendship, please say goodbye before you go so we can bless each other and let me share a lesson I learned recently; watch your words! IT may be the last ones you say to a person. Make sure they are words of encouragement and blessing or you may have some regrets!
Have a great week my friends and be blessed!