Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was watching 100 Huntley Street this morning and they were talking on the subject of gangs and why young people are joining them in the big cities at an alarming rate and have been doing so for the past 15 to 20 years. There were two testimonies, one from a young Muslim man in Vancouver's east side, who was in a gang from a very young age. He had a twin brother in the same gang who murdered somebody and ended up in prison. This tragedy along with his parents converting to Christianity was the catalyst that led to his conversion. His life was totally changed and now he has dedicated his life to helping educate students and street kids against joining the gangs. He stated that the purpose he joined a gang was because he had a deep desire to have some kind of identity that would give him a sense of belonging and self worth. He found this identity in Christ. A peace he did not know existed.
The other guy is a politician from Alberta, who used to be a gang leader. I can't remember his name, but I'm going to find out because he wrote a book I want to read. His first name is Serge, I think. His position is Secretary in the penal system( to do with jails in particular). He is very knowledgeable about gang life and what needs to be done to correct the problem. He too, stated that it is an identity problem in young people that leads them into gang life. The cause of this identity crisis comes from many sources. Partly due to the break up of the family, the introduction of left wing Humanist values in our society, and the taking of God out of the schools and political systems. The thing that interested me about his testimony was how he first saw Jesus when he read the bible for the first time. He was in jail doing time for drug manufacturing and got a hold of a Gideon new testament for something to read. He read the story of Jesus and his disciples and could totally relate to it. He said; " Jesus the gang leader had 12 members, one of whom was a snitch who handed him over to a rival gang and took over his turf and killed him." He could totally understand the story from his perspective as a gang leader himself. The thing that got him though and ultimately led to his conversion, was the fact that after Jesus died, the scattered members ( disciples) came out of hiding and were willing to die for him. This really touched him. Then when he read that Jesus also died for him so he could live. He totally got it. He is now dedicating his life as a politician to bring prison reform in to our penal system.
I thought that was such a cool way to look at it. Jesus the gang leader who was willing to die for his members, then and now. It worked for him!
I'm going to find out his name and the book title and I'll let you know what it is. Should be good.


Patti said...

haha - love it!!

Dougie G said...

His name is Serge Le Clerk. He is MLA for Saskatoon N.W., Secretary of Corrections. The book is called
" Untwisted". He has a web site:
I'm getting the book.