Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sex And The City of God - Week 1

If you would like to hear the full teaching you can download it from the website. It may take a few days to there though. There is a Linc at the top right hand side of this blog entitled West Highland . You can actually see it live each week on line.

The first part of this teaching is about " Orienting All Of Life To The Glory Of God".
The title of this series came from a combination of the title of the TV sitcom " Sex In The City" and a book written by some dude ( St. Augustine?) called " The City Of God". Hence " Sex And The City Of God."
What Pastor John is attempting to reveal is the clear biblical distinction between the worlds view of sex and sexuality verses God's view of sex and sexuality as explained in scripture.
As you probably know the TV show " Sex In The City" is about four divorced women living together who are attempting to find true love and the ultimate relationship through experiencing the ultimate orgasm. All they ever really find is heartache and problems. The writers of this show and other TV shows of the same type are creating propaganda that will affect us, the viewing public and try to influence our thinking to theirs as being a societal norm, when in fact it is not. Their world view of sexuality is "people oriented".

Conversely, Christians, believers in Jesus Christ, are part of " The City Of God" and our view of sexuality as described in scripture is "God oriented". God created sex in order to demonstrate and have a language that would allow us to understand the kind of intimacy we can have with him. Our purpose in expressing our sexuality then becomes, as 1 Corinthians10:31 says, " So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do (including sex), do it ALL for the GLORY of God."
If you want to see an example of the kind of language God uses to describe his relationship with Israel, just take a look at Ezekiel chapter 16 and tell me if this does not sound like sexual language? Sexuality then, is designed by God as a way of knowing him through Jesus Christ more fully. Going back to the book of Genesis God outlines the parameters as to what this relationship looks like, between a man and a women, two very distinctly biologically different genders, in a loving covenant relationship called marriage. Any other variation or deviation from this model causes us to sin by creating an idolatrous relationship as described in Ezekiel 16 and keeps us from knowing God! As Hosea said in chapter 6:3 ( he was the prophet that married the prostitute) " Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises. he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth." In other words Gods favour will restore us.

Tune in next week for a continuation along the same theme.
Apparently week three gets really juicy!..... as we get into the Song of Songs which is all about sexual love.
I can't wait!

1 comment:

Don G said...

I love your digest of Pastor John's message. I have trouble remembering a lot of this stuff from an oratory.It's great to see it in print. Thanks !