Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Changed My Mind

I can do that you know. I'm going to be putting up one post, when I get some time to do some research, and will leave it there. I just won't be posting on a regular basis, and I may comment on yours from time to time. That's what happens when you are being led by the spirit. He's the one who's really driving the bus!


Don G said...

I'm reading a book titled: "Decision Making by the Book" by Haddon W. Robinson. He comments that when we ask the question "How do we know God's will "?: that is not a biblical question. We are better off to ask ourselves " How do we make good decisions "? To do this we must follow God's principles for decision making. Here are five principles covered in the book so far as I have read:
1.Make decisions in submission to God's sovereign will.
2.Make decisions in submission to God's moral will.
3.Make love and concern for the good of others the motive.
4.Focus on your strengths and gifts.
5.Consider the circumstances, but don't be mastered by them.
Just thought I'd post this info on your blog because I don't have one of my own: and besides, you just made a couple of decisions. hahaha

Dougie G said...

That's good stuff. You can do a post on my blog anytime. I'll give you my password and you go for it!

Joe said...

So, the countdown stopped at 2


kmorrison said...

Yay, instead of losing a blogger..we might gain another.