Friday, September 12, 2008


Yes, at about 8:43am Friday, September 12Th, this morning, Kim gave birth to baby Ariana Lynn Morrison. Now, I could have the name wrong, because although they knew what they were going to name her before birth, they were reserving their right to change their minds after they saw her, just to make sure her looks and personality suited the name. She is perfect and beautiful and weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 10oz. Everyone is healthy, but tired, and Kim obviously has some serious recovering to do. When God said in Genesis, after the fall, that he was going to increase the pain for a women in childbirth, he wasn't kidding. Ruth was their and witnessed the birth. She said it was amazing. We have after pictures of the baby, and if I ever can figure out how to put pictures on my blog, I will show some to you.
Thank God, everything went OK. The next few days will involve multiple trips to the hospital, so you may not see much of us of over the next week or so, especially since Ruth will be staying at Dan and Kim's for a while until they get settled to help out.
Looks like no one guessed the date right. Dan and Louise were the closest. I knew the baby would have a mind of her own. She takes after her mother in that regard and that's a good thing!
I'll keep you posted and hopefully pictured too!


Patti said...


Looking forward to the pictures!

(When you're writing a new post, just click the "add image" symbol to insert a picture - then you can "browse" through your hard drive and pick your pic to upload.)

Dougie G said...

Thanks Patti. I'm going to give that a try when I get some time.
I think the babies name is Ariana, not Adriana. I'll have to confirm the spelling. She is a cutie. I saw her for the first time last night after work for a few minutes.