Sunday, August 31, 2008


We finally broke down and bought a new bed today. Really nice one made by Sealy. Great deal at The Brick. Our backs are going to love us. Our current bed is going in the guest room and the natural order of displacement moves a very good double bed made by Royal Mattress out into the hall. It's hardly been used and is in excellent condition and includes mattress, box spring and metal bed frame and is free for the taking. So if anybody out there needs a good double bed. Let me know. We may even be able to arrange delivery, thanks to my dads bicycle trailer.
Also up for grabs is a nice beige leather couch and love seat. I need some money for that though. About $400 for both is a fair deal I think. But what do I know. If you wave some cash in my face I might grab it! You can then grab the couch and run! Before I change my mind. Let me know if you are interested by sending me an email. Have great weekend!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Fall Is Coming

I can feel it in the air. I can always tell, about 2 to 3 weeks into August, something in the air changes and I can sense when September is just around the corner. Even if I didn't have a calender and I didn't know the date, I would be able to tell Fall is not too far away. I don't know why I know, I just do. It happens one day and I go, ahhh! There it is again, that sensation, whatever it is. I love fall. Warm days, cool nights, no bugs. It's the best time of year as far as I am concerned for holidays. That's when I take mine, usually over Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving, especially the dinner part. But, I think we need one good BBQ with the gang, before summer ends. One more week of kids being out of school. My summer bus driving holiday is almost over. I must say I don't miss picking up 80 kids at one stop around 3:20pm. It's been nice and quiet. That is all soon to end. All good things must come to an end. That's what they say anyway. Another summer come and almost gone. Hasn't been too hot either. Tolerable, I would say. I think we live in the best country in the world, with it's changing seasons. I like them all, for one reason or another, but Fall is still my favorite. Always something to look forward to. I like that!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Real Fast

As I am convalescing at home, I have been watching some very inspirational Christian Programs on TV. One was a sermon from Peoples Church in Toronto on Paul's letter to the Galatians and the other a request for financial help from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. This was a very moving program. Part of their ministry is to reach out to elderly Jews in Russia and the Ukraine who had to flee from Nazi Germany. They settled in small communities in places like Siberia and have been forgotten and alienated by mainstream society. It is a very cold and harsh environment and many are slowly starving and freezing to death. No food, fuel for heat, medicine and they are lonely and still feel the pain of persecution from the Nazi regime. They are still discovering these small communities that nobody knew existed. Christians have been reaching out to these neglected Jewish people with the basic necessities, most of whom are elderly, sick and dieing. The results have been nothing short of miraculous.
God said in Genesis 12:2-3 in the call to Abraham:

" I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great and you will be a blessing,
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all the peoples on the earth will be blessed through you."

Isaiah 58:6-9 says:

" Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-
when you see the naked to clothe him,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness will go before you,
and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Then you will call and the Lord will answer;
you will cry for help and he will say: Here am I."

So would you like to receive a blessing from the Lord and have him hear your prayers?
Do the real fast. Reach out and help the helpless, especially God's chosen people- the Jews.

I've added a Linc to the website to my blog.

Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby Shower

Why do they call them showers? There was no water involved other than what was put into the coffee and tea. Maybe because it was raining presents?
We went to Kingsville for Kim's first baby shower this past weekend. Her mother-in-law hosted the event at her restaurant. There was about 30 in attendance including three guys of which I was one, stuck off in a corner where we wouldn't be noticed. But hey, they fed us so I wasn't complaining! Good food too. Done in courses as is Italian tradition. And very good. Well considering she is a cook and makes a living feeding people and is a full blooded Italian. Need I say more. The first dish was of course pasta, followed by some sort of fancy stuffed chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes with gravy, followed by a cherry cheese cake that was to die for. The ladies got some kind fruit and ice cream thing in a chocolate cup which you could eat. They must have run out of those. But, again, the cherry cheese cake was so good, I was very contented. I was starving too, after having driven 4 hours most of which was through a torrential downpour. I said to Ruth at one point, I think we need a boat, not a car. It slowed us down considerably. I thought if we left at 10:30am( the shower was at 2pm) we would be on time. I was wrong. Plus we were 30 minutes late leaving. We were 1 hour late for the shower , but luckily just in time for the food and for Ruth to help Kim open her presents. Which she got allot of. I am told that this is not the only shower she is going to have either. Her and Dan are going to be pretty well set when this baby comes.
We stayed the night at Dan's parents( Gary and Louise) house. They are very hospitable people. They even gave up their bed for Kim, to make her more comfortable. Now, that's a good mom and dad. There were so many gifts, we couldn't bring them all in our little car, so Gary and Louise will bring them in the van when Dan and Kim move. Hopefully, Ruth and I can return the hospitality favour at that time.
On the way home, after another professionally cooked breakfast, ( how does she get the eggs like that?) we stopped off at Colasantes. This is a combination of a greenhouse/restaurant/zoo/novelty store/ Christmas store etc. If you are ever in this area this is a must see. I think they just kept adding on over the years until it has become this huge tourist attraction. They are famous for their broasted chicken and home made donuts and apple cider. A real treat believe me. I ate four donuts if that tells you anything. Nothing like them anywhere, especially when you get them warm out of the cooker. Yummmmy! I'll do twice as many push ups tomorrow to compensate. Honest, I will.
I got to feel the baby Kick! WOW! That is so cool. That little life moving around like that. I wonder how they can breathe water? I can't wait to meet her. But if she's anything like her mom and Nana, she'll be beautiful!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby Girls

All my life I've been surrounded by women
Starting with my mother
Then my elder sister
Then another
I once had two grandma's
They loved to feed me their cookin
All fortified I took a walk
Enjoying nature and just lookin
I came across another
And eventually she became my wife
Included in the deal came a daughter
That really changed my life
Now years later my mom and grandma's gone
The circle of life begins again
The roles begin to change
My wife becomes a grandma
My daughter becomes a mom
Because the life growing inside her womb
It's a baby girl we're told
And one day she'll become a women, a mom
And a grandma when she gets old
So what's the moral of the story?
I don't know, but I think I'm blessed
Cause I'm still surrounded by beautiful women
And I think that they're the best!