Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Ruth and I just celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary. I almost said today, but today is already tomorrow because of the time I am writing this. The date is June 3rd. That was my grandmother Spratts birthday too. My moms mom. I had to work today, so we won't actually celebrate until next Monday. Maybe a trip to the Falls, a nice dinner at the Keg and some mini golf. We did manage to get out for breakfast this morning and I was able to send Ruth some Roses to enjoy while I was at work. One of the things I like to do is write poetry. I need more time to think in order to do that. I'm working on the time issue.
I want to say being married to Ruth has changed my life. If you knew me before during my single years before I met Jesus, you would not know me. It was not a pretty picture. I'm not the person I used to be. It has been a growth experience. We really are suited for each other and compliment one another. It's like iron sharpening iron. We are a " Team". I didn't think any women could possibly love me. Ruth did, despite all my flaws and rough edges. I don't know who else could have done that. She did, and miraculously still does. Thank you for loving me. I love you too!


Meredith said...

congratulations on your 13th anniversary!

Patti said...

Happy Anniversary!!!