Thursday, May 29, 2008

Too Busy

Life is too busy this time of year and I have nothing to blog about that I can think of. Anything you want to know about? Suggestions?

Thursday, May 22, 2008


My wife cut out a comic from the paper yesterday that was me to a "T". It was the ADAM comic.
There are four picture frames:

1rst picture: Adam is at the keyboard of his computer and thinks to himself; " I love blogging. It's a great way to stay in touch."

2nd picture: hands at keyboard, eyes skyward, thinking, thinking

3rd picture: eyes still skyward, still thinking, thinking, thinking.

4th picture: click, click. click, click, " I have nothing to blog about today!"

That's me! Good one Ruth! You made me laugh and made my day and gave me something to blog about! Blogging about having nothing to blog about. That's new one!

PS: I came across a great web site for the Creation verses Evolution argument. Science supports the Creation story! The author says that in two generations the Evolution theory will be nothing more than an intellectual joke. Why? Because the kids these days want examples from their teachers of species that are in the transitional evolutionary stages and they can't come up with any so the teachers are stopping teaching about it! Take a look at:

Sunday, May 18, 2008


It's the long weekend, for most people, not me though. Just a regular weekend with Sunday/Monday off. I get paid for my day off. That's easy to take. An extra 8 hours pay for not getting an extra day off. That's OK with me, I'd rather have the money. I still get to take in the festivities of Victoria Day. There are fireworks at Christie Conservation Area tonight. If it rains it will be Monday night. We'll be there, I think. Happy Birthday Queenie! How old is she anyway, and why do we care? I guess you have to be British to fully appreciate the Monarchy. We were going to have a BBQ this weekend, but we have too much work to do outside in the garden, and I need to put grass seed down. Sorry guys! We'll have another one.......promise. The weekends seem so short, and I don't have holidays until October. There is much to look forward to, with a grand baby on the way. This next year is going to be an interesting one full of new challenges. I like challenges and changes. It makes life interesting. What are you doing this weekend?

Monday, May 12, 2008


I had a really nice weekend with Ruth. Sunday we got together with Ruth's Family to celebrate mothers day. Had a really good brunch at the golf course in Dunnville. They're a fun bunch of people. Love to laugh and have a good time. We got most of our chores done after we got home, and I even snuck in a nice afternoon nap. Today we went shopping in Toronto for some bargains. Went to the Sears Outlet store on Islington Ave. near the 401. I got a pair of jeans for $8.99 and some summer dress pants ( Arnold Palmer's) for $14. Then we continued on, after a nice sandwich combo at Tim's to the Dixie Outlet Mall. Ruth got some really nice sandals and a new purse and wallet at the Naturalizer outlet. Really good quality stuff for a fraction of the price you pay at a regular store. Then on to good old Walmart where she got a nice new spring jacket. Then on to Fortino's for our weekly grocery top up. Had a nice coffee and muffin at the cafe there. Ended up with some take out Chinese food and are settling back chilling on the couch with our favorite TV shows. Starting with Dancing with The Stars. It was just a nice casual day of shopping together. We accomplished a lot, and didn't break the bank! Tomorrow we get back into the routine and look forward to our next weekend adventure. For most people it's a long weekend. Just my normal two day weekend with Sunday/Monday off for me. At least I get the Monday off so we can enjoy the festivities. Fireworks! I love fireworks. Too expensive to buy, so the display down by the bay is worth the effort. BBQ season is here! Mine is gassed up and ready to go.
Continuing to follow the healing revival. I was watching the God TV on my computer last night. There was a live worship/intercession service in Jerusalem called " The Call". Then they went to one in Egypt. This is an amazing phenomena. You can watch live TV all over the world and see what Christians are doing. There seems to be a building anticipation towards something big that is about to break loose. It's exciting times we live in. Who would of thought, even 50 years ago, that this was possible? It truly is a global community we are living in.

Monday, May 5, 2008

He Is On The Move

Tonight we went to HCF to listen to the live web cam of the healing revival from Lakeland Florida led by Pastor Todd Bentley. This began about 30 days ago with 700 people. Tonight involved 30,000 people and is spreading across the world like wild fire. This is a healing revival that is going to end all revivals. Whole cities are going to be healed and come to the Lord. Paul Cain gave a very powerful prophetic word. In fact this revival, was prophesied by him in the 1970's and they played that word for us to hear. Paul prophesied that this revival is the return of the Elijah spirit on the church, not any individual, that will usher in the return of Jesus Christ. Many people are being healed and so far 2 have been raised from the dead. This is going to get stronger and more powerful as thousands soak in the presence of the Glory of God and people being raised from the dead will be a daily occurrence. This is the real deal. The one thing that I heard in the spirit tonight is " He is on the move". Meaning Jesus is on the move. I saw him in the spirit stand up from his thrown and take a step forward. I have had many visions dreams and prophetic words over the past 15 years that have accumulated in my conscience that point to this revival as being true and a real move of God. One thing that has come out of this revival is how God is going to move on the children. Those that have clean hands and pure heart will be anointed with the glory of God to pray for healing. There will be another meeting at HCF on Wednesday night at 7:30pm if you are interested and I am putting a Linc to the web site on the blog if you care to watch it at home on your computer. The meetings in Lakeland Florida will be running every night , live, at 7:00 pm. Are you hungry for revival? This is it! Come Lord Jesus.
There is a bus going down to Lakeland from Crossroads at the end of May and also in June if you care to go there.
This is Jesus and everything that happens in this revival will point people to him, and HE will get all the glory. He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Be ready and Believe.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gators and Cravings

I heard on the radio today there is a school down in Colorado that will teach you how to wrestle Alligators. Yes that's right....... gator wrestling. For $150 U.S. you can learn how to take down an alligator, unless he takes you down first. You start off with small ones about 4 feet long, then work your way up the the 600lb 12 footers. The trick is, you have to go in quickly from behind on the gators back and hang on for dear life around his neck. He will try to eat you. They teach you all the techniques. You have to learn how to not let him drag you into the water where he has a great advantage and 60 other friends that would like to eat you too. When he is tired and the ride is over you have to get away as quickly as you got on or he may try to eat you again. Sounds like fun eh? Where do I sign up? The teachers 7 year old daughter has been doing this for some time with great success. If the guys get scared, he gets her to demonstrate and they quickly get their courage back. Amazing what a little girl and a lot of male ego will do to motivate and bring on the courage. I might try getting a group from church to go down and give it a try, Whoever is left over, no pun intended, can pay the bill!

I've had a craving for KFC lately. I get this about once a year. Everyday I drive by a KFC outlet, the smell is so good, I'm just wanting to pig out on a large bucket of that succulent, greasy, delicacy. Anybody that is the least bit health conscious, knows KFC is just about the worst junk food that could pass your lips. It is chock full of unhealthy fats, salt and other chemicals and the chicken probably has next to zero nutrients due to the processing and cooking methods. But!, boy does it taste good when you're really hungry. Usually, I will indulge my craving. Completely satisfied after licking my fingers, then get this queasy uneasy feeling in my stomach, then the heartburn, and then I vow I will never do that again. Until the next craving about a year down the road. It used to be when I was younger, that KFC and A&W was the only take out food available. We didn't have much money, so going out to eat at one of these places was a rare treat that only happened, maybe, about once a year. Do you think? No. Could it be? Maybe, this is just a continuation of a childhood habit formed by my parentals? I should consult a shrink and find out.

What cravings do you have?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days where stuff goes wrong. Twos weeks ago I bought one of those Water pic water filters for our tap. We had been using the pitcher you put in the fridge. I thought the tap one would be more convenient, which it is. After one week I had to take it back, because it kept coming off the tap. I know I installed it correctly. Thought it must be a defect in the thing that screws on the tap. I exchanged it for another one. Today, one week later the same thing happened with the new one. Now I'm getting frustrated. Think I'll get my money back and go back to using the fridge pitcher. I don't need the aggravation. I'm rushing to leave for work at noon. Go to clean my glasses and the nose pad falls off my glasses and I can't find it! I need my glasses for work. Can't drive without them. I take the one off Ruth's glasses and lose that one! Now she has no glasses thanks to me. I get one off an old pair and that works, after much sweating and panicking. Get home from work at night, looking forward to a Breakfast Pita with peanut butter ( PC Just Peanuts smooth- new jar) and the seal is broken! NO peanut butter! This is getting desperate. Thank goodness my father is also a peanut butter junkie and bails me out with a large scoop of his. Now I have to return a water filter and a jar of peanut butter and a pair of glasses. They say things come in threes. I hope that's the end of it. Things could be worse. Somebody always has it worse....... right Pastor Patti?