Monday, January 28, 2008

Yikes! I'm going to have to edit my Profile!

Ruth and I are going to be Grandparents!!!!!!

I found out last week from Kim that her and Dan are going to have a baby by the end of this September. Kim and I planned to hold off telling Ruth until her birthday next week. She was going to give her a birthday card that said " Happy Birthday Grandma!" and surprise the socks off Ruth. I was going to warn the manager of Tuckers that there will be a lady screaming at our table, but all is good, she just found out she is going to be a grandmother! Kim says " are you sure you can keep it a secret for a whole week?" I said, " no problem".

Guess who couldn't keep it a secret? Ruth found out yesterday. Kim couldn't wait. Oh well, it was her surprise to begin with.

WOW! I'm too young to be a grandfather! She was just a kid herself a few years ago. She just got married! It must have been that book we gave them. Boy they learn quick.

I think I need a reality check. Maybe an ice cold shower will work.

I like babies. I always wanted one of my own. Now I'll have one to play with. I'm going out to buy him/her a fishing pole. I'm going to be the fishing/ teaching Grampa! Maybe after the shower I'll become rational again.

I'm going to be a grampa!

I'm going to be a grampa!

Did I mention I'm going to be a grampa?

Ruth is going to be a grandma!

She's too young to be a grandma!

Oh Boy! or Girl? Who cares? As long as it's healthy!
We need to keep them in prayer.
Would you join us?


Ruthann said...

LOL....And you are going to be a Great Grandpa [no pun intended]I can not belive you hid this from me for a whole week Holy Smokes..Your Good, bad but good, my baby is having a baby,can not wait it will be a great ride together.Spoiling time begins....

Patti said...

Wow! Congratulations!!!!! That is VERY exciting!!!

Don G said...

Wha'd'ya mean you're too young to be a grandpa ??? I was 8 years younger than you are now when my first grandchild was born. But, I share your excitement. It's a great experience to spoil the daylights out of a kid and then send it home for the parents to deal with.

Kelly said...


Joe said...

Congratulations... grandparents... does that mean a $1000 each for gifts each year or just one grand for the two of you?

Dougie G said...

Joe... lol! I think this kid is going to be spoiled. $$$
Grand... I'll settle for impressive, grandiose, great, imposing,large, magnificant, regal, splendid, stately, sublime, excellent, fine, first class, outstanding,smashing,wonderful!

D_Morrison said...

I'm going to be a Father!
I'm going to be a FATHER!!

Did I mention I'm going to be a FATHER!

LoL, I'm excited for the lot of us, this going to be one LOVED child.

Dougie G said...

Thanks Kelly & Patti & Joe
Ruth, Don g is the Great
Dad.. You are a great grandpa!
Hey Dan, You're going to be father!
It may take a while to sink in.
Yes, a very loved, very wanted child.I wish all children had the same circumstances.