Monday, February 8, 2010


I would like to thank Pastor John for all of his hard work taking the time to study ALL the scriptures on this subject so he could share the real purpose of this aspect of our Christian life. For his knowledge and love for history that illuminates the scriptures. For not being afraid to answer difficult questions and using a positive approach rather than attempting to use guilt and fear or threat of curses to somehow force more giving out of people. For taking the time to read Graeme Carle's study on the subject and not be fearful of commenting on it. Very refreshing and enlightening. People that are secure in what they know and believe need not fear those with honest questions.


1. God's Plan For Giving- Before Moses
Genesis 14 - Abraham goes to war
Genesis 28 - Jacob wrestles with God

Question : Why 10%
Answer: 10% was symbolic of giving ALL.
When you read the scripture in verses 18-20. Abraham was so thankful to God for being delivered from his enemies he gave 10% of everything to Melchizedek. Nobody told him to do that. This was not just an arbitrary number he pulled out of the air. It was understood at that time that the number 10 symbolized giving ALL to God. When you think about it the number 10 is important to God. He gave us 10 fingers and ten toes and our metric number system is multiples of 10. Makes sense!

Three Important Observations:
1.) Tithing occurred before the law
2.) It was not commanded
3.) It was a symbol of completeness

2. God's Plan for Giving- From Moses to Jesus
a. The Levites Tithe ( Numbers 18:21,24)
This was for their service in the temple
Purpose: To care for the needs of those who served " full-time".

New Testament Application: 1 Corinthians 9:13-14

b. The Festival Tithe ( Deut. 14: 22-24)
Purpose: To stimulate reverence and devotion to God

New Testament Application: 2 Corinthians 9:12; Philippians 4 :18

c. The Benevolent Tithe ( Deut 14:28-29)
Purpose: To help the needy

New Testament Application: James1:27; 2 Corinthians 8 and 9

3. Freewill Giving
a. First fruit giving ( Numbers 18:12-13)
b. Freewill offerings ( Exodus 25:1-2& chapter 35)

New Testament Application:
To establish principals to live by

Matthew 6:21 " For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

As Christians we give because we love the Lord, to look after those that labor full time on our behalf, as a form of worship bringing it before the Lord in reverence to him, and to look after those in need. God owns everything, he gave us a portion of it, we need to be good stewards of what he gave us. We give 10% because that symbolizes giving our ALL back to him. It's a tangible way to say: " I love you Lord, more than anything else in this world". We don't give in order to get anything back in return.


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