Thursday, April 30, 2009

Talk 10- The Manifesto Of The New Sexual Revolution

This is the conclusion of this series, Sex And The City Of God. This topic is a passion of Pastors John's and is something that has been burning in his heart for some time. It has revolutionized my thinking on the subject of sex, particularly as it relates to Christians and answered many of my unanswered questions and has given me a whole new perspective and understanding of the Word Of God as it relates to our sexuality. One of my questions which was answered is; : Why have so many Christian leaders and churches fallen into sexual sin in recent times?

If you are interested in watching this series it is all recorded and you can see it at It would be an excellent teaching series for a church on Sunday evenings or for a bible study discussion group. CD's and tapes of the whole series can be ordered for a nominal fee.

This lesson is based on principal #5- The Glory of God.
When we sin sexually we are hurting the Lord God.
God's displeasure can be seen :
1) As a Law-Giver- It was God that gave the law through Moses and the Ten Commandments. When we break the law, we do wrong to the giver of the law.
2) As a lover- We can see in scripture that God loved King David. He chose him to be King. When we look at 2 Samuel 12:7-9, we can see how God was talking about suffering a personal wrong. He was telling David of all the good he had done for him from the time he was a shepherd boy to the time he was made King of Israel. God gave many gifts to David and even provided for his sexual gratification. In verse 9, we read the words of a heartbroken lover. It was these words that devastated David and put him on the road to repentance. Psalm 51:4 is really not accurate, because David sinned against many others, not just God. Bathsheba, Uriah, his family, and himself, just to name a few.
The root of sexual sin is spiritual, not physical. Sexual sin is committed not because we lack anything, but usually happens in the midst of great blessing. We want what we can't have. The forbidden fruit. Satan would like us to think this will bring us freedom, but only results in bondage and judgement. His strategy is to get us focused on what we can't have so we forget all the blessings we have received from God. He would have us think God is deceiving us, not him. We think, If I don't act on my own I won't get what I want. When we believe Satan's lies and take matters into our own hands we do great harm to God.
The real fuel that drives sexual passion is not physical, it is spiritual. Sexual sin is the result of Idolatry, greed and covetousness. Sexual sin is rooted in Idolatry. Look at Sodom and Gomorrah. This is a prime example of sexual sin that flowed out of a self centered idolatrous lifestyle. The scripture mentions the sin of Idolatry much more than the sexual sin itself, although it was evident that was the result.

The generation that grew up in the 60's and 70's was willing to lead and to rebel over a cause. We could see that with all the riots in the Universities in the U.S. during that time period. Our current generation, unfortunately has very few leaders. Many would rather follow that lead.
Jesus has given us a cause to rebel against the status quot.
He is to be the center of our life, not only the savior that saves us from hell, but to be Lord of every aspect of our life which should revolve around him, including and especially our sexuality.
We should have the attitude; " I will die before I sin against him"
This is a radical way to live.
We should want not only to live well for Christ, but we should want to finnish well!

At the conclusion of the talk, Pastor John called for all the men who wanted to join the New Sexual Revolution to join him at the front of the church to make a public commitment before God to be leaders in our homes, and our society and to live a life of sexual purity for Christ. Hundreds of men got down on their knees and made that commitment.
I was one of them.
Thank you Pastor John for your courage and your obedience in teaching this series and may God richly bless you.


1 comment:

Don G said...

Some years ago, I learned (from reading) that sex was motivated by our minds not our bodies. It had to be turned off or on by our brain. And , thus is controllable. It follows then, that sexual sin is caused by pre-meditated thought. You have to think about it a lot before you commit it. It is not instantaneous. What strikes me personally about this, is that we, as Christians, have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. He is there living with our every thought and action. If we live with an awareness of His presence within us, how do we sometimes get so fsr off track ? The bible says that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to resist----if we trust in Him ! The thought of the Holy Spirit sitting there watching everything I do , to me, is a great deterrent. Not that I don't goof up frequently----thanks be to God for His grace. But, willful, premeditated sexual sin must really grieve the Holy Spirit. Just some added thoughts.