Our society has moved from Modernism, which didn't believe in anything spiritual. The high point of atheism and the "God is dead philosophy" to Post-modernism, which believes in everything spiritual providing a Psychic or Astrologer/Tarah Card Reader on every corner. Because of it's spiritual nature, post-modernism was able to infiltrate the church faster than the rest of society. It was like a dark spiritual force that was able to change minds. Spirituality was affirmed, especially in relation to sex. It gave birth to a Neo Pagan Spirituality. The highlight of this paganistic sexual revolution was really manifested in " The Clinton Factor". You remember the U.S. President Bill Clinton and his friend Monica Lewinsky? First he denied any wrong doing. His wife Hilary said in order to protect the sanctity of the Presidential office he would have to resign. Then after he admitted guilt, everybodies mind seemed to mysteriously change and what he did turned out to be not that bad after all. At least not bad enough to resign. In fact the media made it out to look rather tame in nature, not that wrong, and almost like it was normal behavior for a president under those circumstances. What a turn around! We went from a sexual revolution to sexual Anarchy!
If you study the history of past paganistic societies, they teach a "Salvation Through Sex" philosophy. Many of the pagan temples had temple prostitutes and part of the worship of that pagan God was to have sex with the prostitute in the temple.
That is where we are now in our society.
So, how do we live in the midst of a pagan culture?
Take a look at three Old Testament examples:
(note: You can look up and read the stories for yourself.)
1. Jonah- he was called by God to be a prophet He was proud of his distinctiveness as a Jew in a paganistic culture, but was asked by God to prophesy to that Pagan society. He fled and didn't want to engage that culture. He took a " leave me alone" attitude.
Obviously not a good example as to how to live in a pagan culture.
2. Esther- She was a beauty queen that was very much into how she "looked" to others. It was disclosed that she was a Jew, but she wanted to fit into and blend into the paganistic culture she lived in rather than stand out. She wanted to be liked by everyone.
Obviously not a good example.
3. Daniel- He was living in exile as Jew in a paganistic society which was hostile to his Jewish convictions. Daniel 1:8, he wouldn't eat the Royal food because it was dedicated to the Babylonian God's first. Him and his jewish friends would only eat vegetables and their health flourished. They stood by their convictions and would not bow down to the pagan Gods and were delivered from the fiery furnace and the lions den.
He is obviously the best example of how to live in a paganistic society.
Our " Kings Food" is our cultures sexual ethics.
Our Christian witness depends on staying pure and not indulging in sexual immorality.
See the tape of this teaching at http://www.livechurch.ca/. Watch Talk #7 " The Manifesto Of The New Sexual Revolution" next Sunday live at 6:00pm.
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Just to expand on your " King's Food " comment. I think that we should state that this is God's Word ( the King's Food ): the most explicit scriptures being Romans 1 and I Corinthians 7.
It's amazing that many younger church members are not aware of these passages. I talk to many people who are living common law and they are surprised when they find out that it is wrong. Many are convicted by the Holy Spirit but hang on anyway with the excuse that they are going to get married soon, rather than immediately walking away and then starting the wedding arrangements. The practice is so prevalent that those not raised in a christian home really don't know.
I know. That's how this propaganda bombardment works. If you hear something enough times, you begin to beleive it. What used to make people blush or shocked gives no reaction at all. The conscience becomes seared.
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