Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Real Indiana Jones

Take a look at the new Linc I have about this fellow Vendyl Jones. Very Interesting. Yes, the movie Indiana Jones was made based on this gentleman's life's work. He was interviewed live on Richard Syretts talk show on 1010 Talk Radio CFRB. You can look up their web site at Vendyl Jones is a highly educated Christian. He studied the Torah and is close relationship with high ranking Jewish authorities belonging to the Sanhedrin. He has dedicated his life to uncovering biblical artifacts that prove the historic accuracy of scripture and disprove many Jewish myths and beliefs. Here are some interesting facts I learned in the interview as my memory will allow:
- Israel was reformed as a nation in 1948 in fulfillment of prophesy. At that same time, a natural disaster uncovered half of Noah's Ark which is located in Turkey.
- Vendyl is in possession of The Copper Scroll, and Marble tablets. The information in the Copper Scroll lead him to the location of The Ark Of The Covenant. The Silver Scroll which is a commentary on the Copper Scroll has not yet been located, but he believes they will find it with the Ark.
- He is in the process of raising $88,000 needed to excavate the Ark Of The Covenant. He will not accept any government money, as he believes the Ark belongs to the Jewish people.
- When he uncovers the Ark, it will be given over to the Sanhedrin, handled only by Levitical Priests who have undergone the cleansing process and moved to the Dome Of The Rock, in Gilgal?
- This will be in fulfilment of prophesy in Amos 9: 11-15.
- It is believed this will spark world war III, as the Palestinians believe they should have the Ark.
- There are many groups that claim to be in possession of the Ark or know of its whereabouts. He said they are all "liars". He doesn't pull any punches.
- The result would be the second coming of Jesus.
- This will take place in the next few years. There was a year 2012 that was mentioned as a possible time line.
- There are also other key artifacts that he has uncovered. You can see these on his web site. It was the discovery of these that lead to the location of the Ark of The Covenant.
- He mentioned that although he was not personally involved, he believes the Shroud Of Torin is real and authentic.
I believe in my spirit this man is the real deal. I think he is right. You know how you just know? I have always known in my spirit I would be alive when Jesus returns.
It is exciting times we live in.
What do you think?
We are to be doing the Lord's work until he returns.
Come Lord Jesus!


Joe said...

Hmmm... where is that grain of salt I keep for those special blog entries?

Dougie G said...

Joe........ Huh??

Joe said...

Sometimes Doug "you have to take that with a grain of salt", what others are saying.

Never heard that expression before?

Dougie G said...

Ok, now I know what you meant. You should have just said that in the first place.
When Jesus was walking the earth and preaching his outlandish teachings to the religious crowd,at least that's what they thought, I wonder how many of them took what he said with a grain of salt? I'll answer that question myself. Everyone in his hometown and just about all of the religious crowd. In fact it was them who ended up killing him. Only those with the child like faith were able to believe what he was saying.
The question I like to ask myself is, " If I was living back then, would I have believed Jesus if I was in that religious crowd?"
Do you believe that prophesy was fulfilled when Israel was reformed as a nation in 1948?
Do you beleive in old testament prophesy?
How would you know if old testament prophesy was being fulfilled if you are taking everything you hear with a grain of salt?
I would think a seeker would want to take a look at everything with discernment based on biblical truth and make a decision based on that and not dismiss everything as insignificant so quickly.
The facts speak for themselves.

Joe said...

Do you really know what I mean?

You wouldn't have any salt in yourself? [rhetorical ;)] Do you believe that salt is the same as skepticism? Not at all. It is what preserves. It is what flavours. It is what cleanses. It purifies that which can do you harm. Salt is good. Unless of course it has lost its savour. Then you can throw it out.

Using salt is not looking at something with unbelief. It is testing to see that what is spoken is truth. The question is not whether you believe the prophetic but is what is happening (or being spoken) the fulfillment of the prophecy. When someone says something that is supposed to pertain to the bible I open the bible, look for the passage, and test to see whether what the person says does fulfill the word. In this sense that passage I look up is the "salt" that will preserve my soul. It will flavour what I understand. It will purify what I am being served. It will cleanse the words of any death that lurks within it. Bible "salt is good."

I don't eat anything without it. And most times it only takes a single grain to impart all of the benefits.

Of course the "salt" may reveal that what is being served is not fit for spiritual consumption. If that is the case then it also must be thrown out.

Joe said...

After I wrote the piece above I had a little wiggle in my brain. Well I can't just let that wiggle go without checking it out. A grain of salt in common usage (world view) does mean to look at something with skepticism. Guess I been a Christian so long I can't get the biblical idea of a grain a salt out of my mind.

Then again the words are attributed to Pliny(?) who recommended using a grain of salt in a potion as an antidote for poison. Hmmm... was Pliny a closet Christian?

Dougie G said...

Joe.. I think when one says " take it with a grain of salt" That is a sarcastic way of saying what you are referring to is next to useless, since one grain of salt would be useless in preserving anything. I don't think the meaning of that saying changes with ones worldview, be it Christian or otherwise.
I think if you take a look at the website you will find some very interesting discoveries. Talk about preservation, some of these artifacts are in original condition. I recall David Mainse of 100 Huntley Street speaking of these discoveries and was so excited because of the proof that they provided to back up the historical facts in scripture. Maybe only those with an evangelical emphasis get excited about such things?

Joe said...

Doug wrote... I recall David Mainse of 100 Huntley Street speaking of these discoveries and was so excited because of the proof that they provided to back up the historical facts in scripture. Maybe only those with an evangelical emphasis get excited about such things?

You are right Doug. A lot of people do get excited about these types of discoveries. If I held a piece of history in my hands I might just get a bit of a tingle. Then again, perhaps not. I accept what the scriptures say as historical truth. It doesn't matter to me if there are any historical artifacts to back the history up. Now for the evangelist? It sure is nice for him to point to something and say "see, see, it is real, it did happen!"

Next... When I refer to a "grain of salt" I am not being sarcastic but advocating the use of mindful caution and fact checking before accepting something as true. As a skeptic(?) I hold it at arms length until I apply that grain of salt and see what happens. I guess I have Christianized that saying. Looking at something with a bit of healthy skepticism is, not of itself, a bad thing.

I know you are excited about what you heard. I know that you were confused by my first comment. Were you slightly hurt by my second? If so I am sorry... that wasn't my intention.

Dougie G said...

There's no hurt feelings Joe. I guess we are just looking at things from different perspectives and understandings.
I just find it exciting at the prospect of watching prophecy come true before our eyes. That brings the scriptures alive. Some people need to see the evidance. Like doubting Thomas.Jesus allowed him to touch the holes in his hands. Then he believed. Jesus had grace and patience even for the doubter. Yes, he said those that believed without seeing would have a greater blessing, but he still made allowance for the doubters to give them a chance too. Many brilliant scientific men such as Hank Hannegraff, started out to prove the bible was not true, only to discover through their own scientific methods that it had to be true by a perponderance of the evidance and became believers in Jesus Christ. The factual evidance was overwelming and undeniable. God uses men like Vendyl Jones to reach the Hank Hannegraffs of this world, and just look at all the good by spreading the gospel he is doing!