Saturday, February 9, 2008


Ruth and I went to the Rascal Flatts concert at Air Canada Center last night. This was the main part of her 50th birthday present. I like their music. They are very talented musicians. Right now they have THE biggest fan base in the world. That fact doesn't impress me. That's just what they told us. Honestly though, we're not sure we want to go to another concert like this in the near future. Firstly, it is a very expensive evening, but that's not the main problem. It was so loud and so many flashing lights it was uncomfortable. Both Ruth and I wanted to get out of there at one point because we could feel the vibrations in our chest it was SO loud and the base was SO strong and the lights were giving Ruth seizures. We had to fight unbelieveable crowds of rude people. Ruth was having trouble walking and it was a major effort just getting in and out of the place. I would have preferred to listen to a CD in my car. At least I could understand the words. Secondly, the atmosphere just didn't turn me on. Just about everybody around us was getting stinking drunk, including some teenage girls just in front of us. They got into a fight over standing rights with the girls in the next row. Why does everyone have to stand? The ones sitting can't see over them. That means everyone has to stand through the whole concert just to see what is going on. Not comfortable. Security was called and just caused a big unnessesary disturbance. There was a time in my life I would have enjoyed that atmosphere, but not anymore. There are more pressing issues in life, and I just don't think that what was going on at that concert pleased the Lord too much. I almost had a guilty feeling for being there and wondered if the money we paid was good stewardship of what God has entrusted to us. The whole thing was all about feeling good. There were many there that were feeling pretty good that night, but wouldn't be feeling so good the next morning.
We have been to other concerts before and have had a totally different experience and enjoyed every minute and thought it was worth the expense and the effort. The last concert we went to was the Gaithers at Copps in Hamilton.. It was great. No regrets. Not this one.
Am I getting old or just mature or becoming a fuddy duddy? I just don't care about this stuff anymore.
I have more fun in church worshipping Jesus and spending my money helping others.
Weird Eh?


Patti said...

Ugh, that stinks.

I went to the opening of the Narnia movie a year or so ago...the kid behind me booted my chair THROUGHOUT the movie, despite Spike's repeated efforts to stop him...and the kids in the back row pelted me with Skittles.

And...are you ready for this? I saw them all coming in to the movie as a group. Saw their youth pastors waiting for them. That's right - lovely little Christian kids and it was the worst movie experience EVER.

Sorry your night was not enjoyable!

D_Morrison said...

Douggie G, your not getting old, well maybe you are, but I wouldn't attest it to this experience.

To be quite honest I would not have enjoyed that atmosphere at any point in my life. It's just the sort of person I am. I'd much rather listen to a DVD at home with a warm cup of hot chocolate and my wife cuddled up next to me under the blanket!

Large crowds and screaming teenage drunks never attracted me at any age.

I've never been to a concert if you'll believe that.

AS for my "crazy teenage years" I never drank as a teenager, save for once in the safety of my own home. So not all of us are wild and crazy. Your not old nor are you odd. Your full of common sense and respect for others, not strange at all :)

Sorry you didn't have a good time.

I know I wouldn't either.

Ruthann said...

Dougie........ Kelly Pickler, the opening act, was the one that was really loud with the base with the pounding in the chest. I didn't see the disturbance with the girls. I got a chance to see things that you didn't because I had to sit down with my leg hurting. The strobes bothered me, I just closed my eyes.Rascal Flatts music was still great. When you guys were looking at the big picture, I was sitting down and looking up and seeing a smaller picture of what you were looking at. So that's why I didn't see the disturbance.The best part of the concert when they came down near our end on that little revolving round stage and were jamming. Just the four of them.
Thanks Dougie, I had a great night.

Dougie G said...

Ruthann.........I'm glad you enjoyed your self. That's what it was all about. I did enjoy our time together, because we don't get much of that. We had a nice leisurely dinner before the concert, and you are right, that jamming moment was good. I also like the solo that violinist did.That was awesome. I thought of Jordon at church would have loved to see that.
So! The evening was not a total loss. We did have a good time. Thanks for sharing your perspective. You are really my better half. That's why I married you! You bring a more positive light into my life.
Thanks Ruthie!

Ruthann said...

Thanks Dougy we bring out the best now in each other with the help of Jesus.....I also thought of Jordon
he would have loved it.
He started playing O Canada with the violon and it was so great ppl starting standing and singing it was something to see and hear.

Thanks cs

Joe said...

Ah, the public arena, where the masses of people come to find fun and entertainment. I haven't been to one of those in years. The disability aside... it's those few others in the crowd that make the moment pass with an after-taste. An unpleasent one at that. I'm not a theatre person... at least from the spectator point of view.

Maybe I just don't like crowds pressing in around me. Then again, I can be the only one in an elevator and I don't like the way my conscience crowds me. Sigh... guess I'll be a recluse and leave the others to bread and circuses (circi?).

The important thing is that Ruth had a good time. A lady of grace always makes the situation a better one just for showing up.

Dougie G said...

Patti...... I've heard some real horror stories involving Christian youth groups and movie theatres. Being a part of one of those groups does not guarantee good behavior. After listening to Ruth's perspective, the evening wasn't a total loss.

Joe......I wish things were different for you and God would heal you so you could go and do the things you love to do.