Sunday, January 18, 2009


This year is the 500Th anniversary of the protestant reformation of the church. There seemed to be a few people that were not in agreement with the beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. Imagine that? Rebels in the church. Trouble makers. Satanically induced backsliders upsetting the status quot. The likes of Calvin and Martin Luther. Amazing what people think when their authority is threatened. It must be the devil! Yeah right!
As I recall, isn't that what they thought about Jesus too? His teaching appeared to be a threat to their power and authority. They called him the devil and did end up killing him. I guess he was seen as a bit of a rebel too against the church of his day, and he was God! The Word made flesh! I think we need to be really really careful before we start throwing out accusations like that shouldn't we?
There seemed to be a dispute over the doctrine of Justification By Faith Alone ( Sola Fide), and over Biblical Authority ( Sola Scriptura). It seems the Church of the day believed that the apostles ( The Pope being the successor of Paul) had the ultimate authority over the written word (bible), because it was the apostles that created the scriptures. The reformers(rebels) on the other hand believed the bible was "the" inspired word of God delivered through the apostles and was the ultimate authority over anything or anybody else. The Pope had a contract out on the life of Martin Luther. Do you think he felt his authority was threatened? Here's a quote:

" Unless I am convinced by Sacred Scripture or by evident reason, I will not recant. My conscience is held captive by the word of God and to act against conscience is neither right or safe."
Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms

He apparently was delivered through a set of strange miraculous circumstances, from death. Maybe God was on his side?

I think some Protestant Christians and churches today have come full circle and believe they have more authority than the inspired word of God. Some have strayed so far away from the bible, I don't even know why they call themselves Christian. Others have so misinterpreted the scriptures they have become cults. Being involved in such a church would not be right or safe.
Maybe it's time for a protest against the Protestants? or at least some kind of new awakening? Maybe a Revival? A Resurrection? Something has to happen to get the strayed churches back on track!
Let's get back to our Reformation roots and make the bible, "the" inspired word of God the Ultimate Authority. Let the word of God be fully known.