Tuesday, June 17, 2008


It was 10 years ago, April 13, 1998 I became an Urban Transit Operator. That's a fancy name for bus driver. During my first week out on my own, after successfully completing 22 days of intense training, I quickly learned that I had not been taught everything I needed to know. Sometimes, only experience can teach us the practical aspects of our chosen profession. I was working a night shift, which most rookies are forced to do during their early days on the job, which began around 9:00pm until 5:30am the next day. I had finished the first part of my route around 1:30am and then turned into a night bus that services the Bloor/Danforth route after the subway closes. I think I was run 56, which is the third bus across starting from Kipling Station. Obviously, being new, I was being very careful and probably a little slow, because I had not yet developed that rhythm that more experienced operators develop over the passage of time and plus the fact I was not all that familiar with the route. It takes a good year to learn all of the routes stops and characteristics. I knew from listening to other drivers talk at the division that the night bus routes could be a little, let's say colourful, especially on the weekend. I didn't really understand what all that meant. I was just happy I passed all my tests and had good full time employment with which to support my family. I had come from a 15 year background in insurance sales, never even been on a bus before, never worked different shifts. Just 9 to 5 with weekends off. Oh!, what a transition this was ! It was a Saturday night and it was busy. You wouldn't believe how many people are up at all hours of the night in the big city. I can tell you, they aren't going to church services. Some are working, most are partying which included ingestion of every kind of alcohol and drug you can think of. The nick name for the night bus was either " The Party Bus" or " The Puke Express". This is where the rookie driver really learned the ins and outs of the job. The night routes are long. Over one hour one way. We did two full round trips a night which took over four hours to complete. In was on my first run back from the top. In bus terms that means I had completed my first up trip (west) and was on my way back (east). Bus trips are either UP- north ,UP-west, DOWN- south, DOWN-east. I noticed this women standing by the side of the road all by herself on The Danforth right in the heart of the club district. I assumed she needed a ride and certainly should not have been all by herself at 3:00am in the morning. That could be dangerous for a young lady. Since I had just left the end of the route, I only had a few people on board. I stopped, being a gentleman and wanting to save this young lady from the dangers that could be lurking at this early time of the night, and asked her if she would like a ride on the bus. I soon realized I had made a big mistake. This was no lady. I knew by the time she hit the second step, she was very intoxicated. She also immediately tried to sit on my lap and kiss me. Shocked and not knowing exactly what to do, I was trying to push her away while keeping control of the bus. The guy sitting in the idiot seat ( that's the seat beside the driver and I didn't name it that) was killing himself laughing and was not about to offer any advice. He was enjoying the show just a little too much. She wanted to know where we were going to go for our
" date". I tried to explain to her that I was married and wasn't interested in " dating". She couldn't understand why I stopped to pick her up from her "spot" if I didn't want a "date". Finally my message got through and she realized this was not going to be a profitable bus ride for her and she got off the bus. Whew! Close call. My first encounter with a lady of the night. The first of many to follow.
Lesson # 1- Do not pick up people in between stops at 3:00am on a Sunday morning. They didn't tell me that in school! I suddenly realized just how naive I really was!

TO BE CONTINUED...........................................................................................................................

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


All I can do is give you six facts. I can't figure out the link part nor do I know six other bloggers I wish to tag.

1. When I was about two years old, I was helping my father hold the door open while he was cleaning out our septic pump. He was carrying buckets of sewage into the back yard of our house in Aldershot. He tripped, and a whole bucket of sewage went over my head. He called my mother to come and help. They stood and looked at me wondering what to do. My dad said," I think it would be easier to make a new one than to clean this one up!"

2. I was about two or three when we got our first dog for Christmas. My parents got her from the Burlington dog pound. She was a purebred boxer. I still remember how huge she seemed, as my head just came level to her back. We had her for twelve years. Her name was Cindy. Needless to say, boxers are my favorite dogs and I have owned two others in my life time. Plus a Standard Poodle.

3. My first car was a 1966 AMC Rambler, 3 on the tree. I bought it from my mom for $25 and fixed it up with parts from the car wreckers. I drove it for three years and sold it to my buddy for $150.

4. When I was nine we were cottaging up North at a place called Mazinaw Lake. While walking through the woods to the dock one day, I stepped in a wasps nest that was at the base of a tree. They swarmed all over me and I received about 30 stings. My father was walking behind me. He had no idea I new all those swear words. He was shocked. Go figure!

5. On that same holiday, while out fishing in the boat in the river area, I hooked into a huge fish. I just had a kids rod and reel, but managed to fight the thing to the boat. My rod was bent right over. I got it close to the boat and saw it was a beautiful Pickerel. My dad, in his excitement, rammed the net into the water and subsequently knocked the fish off my hook. Oh well, better luck next time!

6. My best time for going up North fishing from Hamilton to Parry Sound was done in 60 minutes flat. Impossible you say? Not if you're flying in your friends Cessna Airplane! All you can see North of Orillia is trees and water. I asked my friend, " what if the engine conks out?" He says, " Well, you climb as high as you can and look for a place to land." I said, " There is no place to land!" He says, " we either find an old road to land on or we can do some fast trolling in one of those lakes down there!" Very comforting. Next time I'm not going unless the plane has two engines.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Scriptures Come Alive

I just want to acknowledge publicly, the effect the sermons at my church are having on me. Many of the scriptures that are being preached on I have read many times before. These scriptures are being presented in such a manner, that I am able to see them from an angle that I have not considered or seen before. As a result, they seem to be coming alive and are applicable to my life today, even though they were written thousands of years ago. Cool! For example, the most recent sermon this past Sunday was on Acts Chapter 3 vs: 6-8. Peter and John were on their way to the temple and came across this crippled guy. Peter said, ( the Message) " I don't have a nickel to my name, but what I do have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!" Peter gave what he had and did not dwell on what he did not have. Both Ruth and I have a deep desire to serve God. So many times I felt guilt when faced with an opportunity and did what I could but felt it was not enough, or didn't act at all because I felt I had nothing to give to that circumstance and did nothing resulting in a missed opportunity.



I am not going to miss another opportunity to serve because of these things.


Thank you Pastor Patti for your perspective. May God continue to bless you and protect you and the vision he has given you in the scriptures.


Ruth and I just celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary. I almost said today, but today is already tomorrow because of the time I am writing this. The date is June 3rd. That was my grandmother Spratts birthday too. My moms mom. I had to work today, so we won't actually celebrate until next Monday. Maybe a trip to the Falls, a nice dinner at the Keg and some mini golf. We did manage to get out for breakfast this morning and I was able to send Ruth some Roses to enjoy while I was at work. One of the things I like to do is write poetry. I need more time to think in order to do that. I'm working on the time issue.
I want to say being married to Ruth has changed my life. If you knew me before during my single years before I met Jesus, you would not know me. It was not a pretty picture. I'm not the person I used to be. It has been a growth experience. We really are suited for each other and compliment one another. It's like iron sharpening iron. We are a " Team". I didn't think any women could possibly love me. Ruth did, despite all my flaws and rough edges. I don't know who else could have done that. She did, and miraculously still does. Thank you for loving me. I love you too!